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Robert Plant Presents…….Sensational Space Shifters – Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Expo Minas

20 October 2012 1,055 views No Comment

Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Expo Minas

Fixing to Die
Tin Pan Valley
Forty Four
Somebody Knocking
Black Dog
Song To The Siren
Bron Y Aur Stomp
Another Tribe
Ramble On


I’m Your Witch Doctor
Who Do You Love/Whole Lotta Love/Steal Away/Bury My Body
Going to California
Gallows Pole
Rock and Roll


This on the spot report from Andre Cruz for TBL:

Last Saturday Robert Plant did his sixth show in his entire career in Brasil soil, the first one outside the 2 biggest cities (Rio and São Paulo).
The public of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais state, saw an almost sold out gig at pavillion number 3 (5.500 m2) of ExpoMinas, a big convention center in Gameleira district, 5 km away from the city centre.

As happened in Rio, a public of different generations attended the gig and some people even were born when Plant visited Brasil in 1996. An intersting “plantation”: he said “Sometimes crazy things happen when you do something for the first time”, probabily a reference of his first show ever in Belo Horizonte. The concert had 1h45m, almost the same of the Rio one, and it looks like Patty Griffin really will not play with Sensational Space Shifters in Brasil.

The set list had important changes. “Song To The Siren” was played for the first time in Brasil (hope to see this in one of the two shows in São Paulo) and “Another Tribe” and “I`m Your Witchdoctor” were not played to the mineiros (the way a person that was born in Minas Gerais is called, like Cariocas of Rio de Janeiro and paulistas of São Paulo).

The eight Zeppelin songs remains the same but “Gallows Pole” was removed of the encore and played before “Ramble On”. This song had a great reception from the crowd and Plant said “Ê galera”, a typical brazilian greeting. The set with 15 songs, one less than in Rio, started with “Tin Pan Valley”, if I`m not mistaken opening a Plant show for the first time. “Fixing To Die”, that was the opener all the year, was played in the end of the show, just before the “Whole LottaLove” medley. The encore was done with two songs from an album that
all of us love: “Going To California” and “Rock And Roll”.

This afternoon I will take my chances in a not so big jat plane to see what will happen in the first sold out concert of this tour – that had been called a south-america tour but actually is a Latin-America tour because will be end in Mexico.
Andre Cruz


Gallows Pole

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