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Robert Plant Presents…….Sensational Space Shifters – Birmingham, Alabama – Alabama Theatre

12 August 2012 6,755 views 4 Comments
All Pictures by Patrick Corley
Robert Plant Presents…….Sensational Space Shifters – Birmingham, Alabama – Alabama Theatre
The set list :
Fixin To Die
Tin Pan Valley
No Bad News
Bron Yr Stomp
Somebody knocking
Black Dog
Who Do You Love – Whole Lotta Love
Steal Away – Bury my Body
Win My Train Fare Home
Gallows Pole
My buddies and I flew from Phoenix, Arizona to Birmingham, Alabama the day of the show.  After checking into our hotel a few blocks from the Alabama Theatre, we filled up on Alabama BBQ and beer.  I headed to the venue thinking I might catch them arriving for a sound check.  Security was tight on the side entrance.  It turned out that RP and PG had arrived by 4:00 with full band and were REHEARSING.  It had little to do with sound check, they were simply rehearsing for nearly 3 hours.  I did not gain acceess to the  rehearsal and headed back to my hotel around 7 p.m.
We made it back to the venue by 8.   The opening band from Austin, TX was really quite interesting.  They were heavy american country music.  We loved it.
RP came on stage just before 9.  PG did not come on til the 3rd song.  The lighting and sound was superb.  The Alabama Theatre was built in 1926 and was packed with folks from all over the southern U.S.    I also ran into Frank Melfi (RP long time friend and photographer), Frank was friendly as always and he too was thrilled to be there.
 It is worth noting that the marquis out front read “Robert Plant Presents…….Sensational Space Shifters”
 You can read the reviews for the show at   But I must say this:  This was the 21st time I had seen RP and/or RP with JP since 1985.  No two shows are the same.  As the years have gone along, RP seems warmer and more engaging with the audience (or maybe because he is just crazy for PG).  Well, this was the perfect venue for that.  Southern hospitality all the way around.  We left smiling, as always.

Robert Plant – Black Dog – Alabama Theatre – August 12,

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  • Julie said:

    I traveled from New Hampshire to see this show and it was well worth the trip…as it always is! Excellent review, right on point and love the pictures:-D

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Dave my sincere thanks to Pat Corley for the write up and the pics, he looks at ease as always behind the Mic.

  • James said:

    Great pics and review. I was there with my Dad for his birthday. We drove from Atlanta and it was one hell of a weekend!

  • Lisa said:

    Thanks for the writeup and all the pictures. Sounds like it was a great concert and Robert is definitely having a good time in this stage of his career. Here’s hoping there’s another run at the states after the South American tour

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