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Home » Robert Plant

Beau Rivage Casino and Resort, Biloxi, MS

19 March 2005 3,580 views No Comment

No Quarter /Heartbreaker /Freedom Fries /Lets The Four Winds Blow/ Black Dog/ Darkness Darkness/ That’s The Way/ All the Kings Horses /If I Were a Carpenter /Shine It All Around/ Tin Pan Alley /Babe I’m Gonna Leave You /Tall Cool One / When The Levee Breaks
Encores: The Enchanter /Whole Lotta Love

This from Chris Conn
The Beau Rivage Theater, at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi, holds 1500 people and is very nice with great acoustics. Tickets were hard to come by and were going for multiples of face value.

The show was fantastic, although I think I enjoyed the 2001 and 2002 shows a bit more. Perhaps this was because the band played five songs from the upcoming album, and I will need to hear them a few more times before they can soak in. The new songs did sound great and I look forward to a couple more shows this summer after hearing the album in May. I particularly liked the number that had the extreme soft/hard dynamic (is that Tin Pan Valley?) I should mention that I am definitely a disciple of Robert’s trek into an ever-expanding exploration of new music — whether it be covers or new material — rather than one who just wants to hear Zeppelin tunes again and again. With the mix of songs played Saturday night, I am sure both camps walked away enriched by the experience.

A few highlights:

No Quarter was completely reworked with a North African beat and new vocal arrangements. As mentioned from the Dallas show, “They Choose the Path Where No One Goes” is the repetitive chorus. Although not as haunting as previous arrangements, I like hearing new twists and look forward to hearing this one again.

That’s The Way is a great replacement for those who complained that Going To California has been used on every tour. A beautiful rendition, although I found myself comparing it to the Earl’s Court version on the LZ DVD, which seems hard to beat.

Black Dog was a jazzy sounding rendition which is pretty cool, and the crowd enjoyed plenty of sing-along. However, I would trade this for something else from Plant’s catalog — does anybody else think Slow Dancer would be great, especially with these Eastern vibes?

When The Levee Breaks was a great treat, and it did include a sampling of Bonham’s heavily phased drumming toward the end. This was a great addition to the set, particularly in Mississippi.

Tall Cool One – I think this is one of Plant’s less interesting songs, but it does create lots of crowd excitement. It seemed to be similar to 2002, and we got the typical introduction paying homage to the King from Tupelo. Robert also did a hilarious Elvis Hip Shake that I’m sure was appreciate by the gals in front.

If I Were A Carpenter — I thought that perhaps this would be the night, and man-oh-man it was close. But he couldn’t quite get the lyrics right!! Slipped up on the Miller verse. But by now this is certainly part of the charm of this song, and it sounded quite nice. Was the casino accepting bets on Robert’s accuracy on this one?

Whole Lotta Love — Even though this gets played every time, and there are songs I would trade it for, I was glad to hear it this night. This was the best WLL I have heard from the Strange Sensation, or perhaps ever. The freak-out section was much more spectacular than in the past, very cool and evil and spooky. Robert introduced the song with a bit of a geography and history lesson for Mississippians. He mentioned Tupelo, Clarksdale, and Tutwiler, as well as mentioning Highway 49 and a special fondness for the bridge that leads to Helena, Arkansas. The song opened with the Delta Blues that we have become accustomed to, and on this night we got the first couple of lines from the last verse of Honey Bee.
All in all, the band sounded great, and although there were a few small cracks this night, Robert’s voice continues to sound fantastic. Everyone was confident and tight, on all songs old and new. Another great night of The Music!

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