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Home » Robert Plant

Boston (Bank Of America Pavilion)

17 June 2005 2,343 views No Comment

No Quarter, Shine It All Around, Black Dog, Freedom Fries, Morning Dew, That’s the Way, Tin Pan Valley, Heartbreaker, Takamba, Gallows Pole, Mighty Rearranger, When the Levee Breaks
Encores: The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love.

This from Paul Harper
I have just got back to my hotel after the gig at the Bank of America Pavilion. An enormous tent on the waterfront in Boston harbour, someone told me it seats 5000. It was cold waiting around but the place certainly was to become much warmer.

I was asked for some ID when iIbought a drink, now I know that as some people get older they can develp cartaracts but the woman serving me surely could not be that blind. I am 48 for pities sake. Perhaps my English accent threw her.

I have to say that it was one of the best Strange Sensations gigs I have seen. My 9th so far. I think Robert likes Boston and it was plain to see and hear that Boston likes Robert. He seemed to warm up very quickly and if this is how good they are on the 2nd night of this US tour, i can’t wait until they come to England.

The song list isn’t in order here sorry, Highlights for me, Mighty Rearranger for Roberts mouth harp solo. When the levee breaks was stunning, the best i have seen them do this year. A beautiful Thats the Way, a slightly reworked Gallows Pole, Heartbreaker, with Robert apologising for his lyrics when he wrote it way back in the late 60’s. “Hindsights a bastard” he said.

We also got No Quarter, Shine it all around, Black dog, Freedom fries, Takamba, Morning dew, The Enchanter, and of course another stunning Whole lotta love to end the show. And if anyone thinks he can’t hit the ooohs at the end of WLL then you want to experience the spine tingle I got from tonight.
The crowd loved it and it was so noisy I think the deafness I currently have is due to the screaming of the crowd rather than the volume of the music.

Another Boston tea party for the man and the band who seemed equally enjoying themselves.

The only downside was the fact that the venue is not on a public transport route and walking back into the city centre trying to flag ataxi is worse than trying to get one in London late at night. I got a little lost for a while but managed to get my bearings, and it seems that if you throw yourself in front of a taxi they stop in Boston. Doesnt work in England.

So another couple of days here in Boston then I head back home to England. My first taste of live music States side.

A fantastic concert.

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