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Home » Robert Plant

City Hall, Newcastle

21 October 2002 2,362 views No Comment

Set List; Hey Joe, Four Sticks, Down to the Sea, Morning Dew, Going to California, Hey Hey What Can I Do, Girl from the North County/In the Mood, Celebration Day, Fixin to Die, A House is not a Motel, Tall Cool One, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.
Encores, (1) Darkness Darkness Whole lotta love; (2) Siren

Set-List and review from Geoff Adamson.
Its obvious when Robert is having a good time on stage. Remember the Wembley concerts in ’98. I left feeling all wasn’t well with him, and was obviously reading the tea leaves correctly. Tonight was a contrast as stark as one could imagine, as its been with POB and the Sensation on each occasion I’ve seen him. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and his between songs patter, always a stand out guide to his well being, was spot on.

He played a beautifully balanced set which was enthusiastically received by all in attendance.Highlights, California, Bigly WLL and Siren, but frankly the band played beautifully all night and he was in great voice throughout. I was pleased to hear GFNC and a section of In the Mood again always a favourite which has been missed for years, in my opinion. Ship of Fools and I’d have gone to heaven.

Roll on the rest of the tour, I’ll be there.
This from Graeme Powell
The mood was set with incense sticks taped to the monitors and the Indian/Arabic opening tape.
Quite a surprise to hear Hey Joe as the set opener but it was simply superb.
Robert was very very witty and funny between songs,making lots of references to the fact that he is now almost 100 yrs old!!
Maybe it was his age that caused to him to sing the same verse twice in “Hey Hey…” which was still awesome and for me the highlight of the show. A young lady wandered to the edge of the stage and stared up at Robert during “California”,it didnt seem to distract him too much however as it was note perfect.
Robert reminded me of the good old days as he struck some familiar Rock God poses during “Celebration” and it was just like Earls Court 75 at times.
A few people left after “WLL” but as the house lights didnt come on most of us waited to be rewarded with a beatiful rendition of “Siren..”
Robert and the band seem to be really enjoying themselves if this gig is anything to go by and “The Voice” sounds as good as ever.
The only downside of the night was the usual couple of dipsticks shouting for “Stairway..” between numbers,it aint gonna happen..get used to it.
Robertism of the night:Someone shouts”Come on Robert” He replies”I`m coming as fast as I can….but I dont usually get applause for it!”

This from Rob Todd
It’s more than ten years since Robert Plant played this venue. The wait was more than worth it. From the slow burn opener of Hey Joe to the final encore of Siren the venue was held captivated. My personal highlight was hearing Hey Hey What Can I Do.
Robert’s voice was stunningly good throughout hitting all those spots we know so well. The band were superb playing off each other and nailing every number, making them their own. The between song banter was relaxed and highly amusing. Nasty little silver discs versus vinyl! Ask Robert the name of his keyboard player though? If there is going to be some form of live DVD put me down for a copy. The amount of light and shade
the material old and even older has in it, due in no small part to the interplay between the band members, was a joy to hear. For anybody who chooses to listen this approach clearly puts Zeppelin material in the context of the times it was created, and relates it to other prevailing trends. Which is how I have always heard it, not in some narrow idiotic ghetto for one note headbangers.
Prior to A House Is Not A Motel Robert asked if we were one of the towns lucky enough to have seen Love recently? We were and let me tell you that was one special night as this one was as well. The beauty of
both evenings being that out of seemingly a night of nostalgia, fresh and dynamic music was made.
Myself and my Girlfriend, (Hi Miranda), left the City Hall very pleased to have witnessed such a great band.

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