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Home » Robert Plant

David Letterman Show

18 July 2002 2,353 views No Comment

Darkness Darkness.

Just came off of seeing Plant’s appearance on David Letterman. He did “Darkness” and was in superb voice. Justin Adams on acoustic. Much of the camera angle was direct waist-high of Plant sporting a white shirt with Charlie Jones just over his shoulder. Lots of hand motion, but not as herky-jerky as Joe Cocker. Not yet, anyway.

Following the song, Plant was seated next to Letterman for a show round-up, and Dave made mention that Plant’s last appearance was ten years ago (I’m thinking more of nine years ago when Robert did 29
Palms). Quick plug for the album, which Robert said went on sale today. And that was it. Much of the program was unfortunately tied up with a frivolous interview with Geena Davis, and as usual, the musical segment basically closed out the show. Robert looks and sounds in good form for his summer US jaunt. Dave Lanham

Just finished watching Plant on Letterman. Sang “Darkness, Darkness”; Very good; sounded in excellent voice and looked a lot slimmer and physically in better shape then some of the pictures I’ve recently seen of him and a lot better then the VH1 gig. He also seemed in very good spirits when Letterman briefly spoke with him after the song. Interesting; Letterman introduced him as “Grammy Award Winning singer Robert Plant” and most pointedly did not say “former Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant” the way he introduced him the last time Robert was on the show (1993).
Thanks Tony Pauline and Nick

I’m not one for commenting on appearnance but I have to say, Plant’s gone a bit hair-gel crazy recently. A straight run through the song, with clear sound. Skin’s guitar work is great on this song and could probably have been a little higher in the mix. Couldn’t call it an interview afterwards, more a nod and a smile – and then end credits roll!
Dave Linwood

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