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Home » Robert Plant

Exeter University

8 October 2002 2,164 views No Comment

Setlist : If I Ever Get Lucky, Four Sticks, Down To The Sea, Morning Dew, Going To Calfornia, North Country Girl with In The Mood, Fixin To Die, Celebration Day, A House Is Not A Motel, Tall Cool One, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
Encore Hey Joe, Song to the Siren

This from Sunila, The Dragonlady
Where do I start? If I can count, this was my 16th Plant show (with Jimmy or not) and I’ve done reviews of most of them…

First things first. It’s a _lot_ better when you can go to a show with a whole group of friends! It was my second Sensations show and I much prefered it, but I’m pretty certain it’s because I was on my own for the first one (in Bangor).

It was also the 3rd time that I’ve flown over to the UK just for a show. Although I have done “worse” and flown for just 2 days… It’s definitely the best way to travel! It was once again: 2 hours to get to the airport…wait… 1 and a half hours flight… trains…. about 4 hours… rest; shopping; more rest; and the excitement that grows…. wow! “Stairway to Devon” indeed Robert!

The good surprises:
I was a bit annoyed as usual by the fact that there was an opening act, but actually I would have been looking forward to it if I had known who it was! Ah well, I’m a huge Alice Cooper fan after all… Never would have dreamed to see Arthur Brown some day… kind of cool! I didn’t even know if he was still alive…I’m still not certain 😉

I’m not very good with titles but I’m pretty sure that I had never heard “North Country Girl” live before, only on records… Aaah! (That’s the best way to describe what I felt then!).

That good old feeling of being “at home” while the fumes of incense enfold you… No I’m not an old hippie… I just happen to be half indian…

Justin Adams is really a fabulous guitar player, but then, so is “Skin” … I stopped missing Jimmy now… well almost! For a moment I thought Justin looks a bit like Aamir Khan… and then Robert is taking the piss of Cliff Richard and how he was born in Lucknow in 1910…. Oh come on! I feel kind of happy that he was born exactly 5 days before my dad and in the same country.

Clive Deamer… I didn’t exactly see him, hiding behind his drum kit, but I’m very impressed by his playing, and that’s coming from someone who hardly ever takes notice of drummers… except for one…

The “less good” surprises:
Oh nothing really… Just that for once I felt super energetic at a concert, Robert didn’t look like he felt so. Then again it got us some really funny and longwinded Plantations!

I was a bit disappointed by the lack of interaction from both sides. And one very annoying thing was the lights at the back of the stage which were really to strong, the were times where the light was so bright I
couldn’t see a thing and it hurt my eyes a while after.

Also the sound wasn’t too good at the beginning. We got a lot of reverb from the amps on our right… good thing I always wear my special earplugs, my tinnitus really doesn’t need this! It got better towards
the end though.

The “boucers” who pushed us towards the doors when we hardly finished buying our t-shirts and cd’s. Doesn’t make you want to stick around to buy the goodies and chat with other fans. I hate being pushed about after a concert, it makes me feel very “moody”. I guess it’s one of the worst venues I’ve ever seen organiisation wise, _the_ worst being one in Wettingen (Switzerland).

OK, that should be a pretty balanced review. I immensely enjoyed this show, let’s say I’ll rate it 9 out of 10 among all 16 of them… This is a great band, very professional, maybe a bit too much, makes me regret
the POB days but then again. Waiting for number 17, hopefully here in Switzerland?

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