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Home » Robert Plant

Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt

24 November 2005 2,490 views No Comment

Freedom Fries, Seven And Seven Is, Black Dog, Hey Joe, Going To California, Another Tribe, Four Sticks, Let The Four Winds Blow, What Is And What Should Never Be, Dancing In Heaven, Tin Pan Valley, Gallows Pole, When The Levee Breaks
Encores: The Enchanter, Hoochie Goochie Man/Whole Lotta Love,

This from Jens.Mattfeld
I was quite curious what the concert at the Jahrhunderthalle would be like. I have to say that I don’t like the last two CDs too much. Mighty Rearranger has a few songs that I like very much but there are a lot that I don’t like too.

The first surprise for me was that there was a support act called the Shack Shacker (from Tennessee). The played a nice but not to spectacular gig. All the songs sounded very much alike.

Then the Strange Sensations entered the stage during a Shine it all around intro and started with Freedom Fries. Robert seemed to be in a good mood but wasn’t talking too much. Some plantations (Listen to this Eddie at the end of Black Dog). For the songs I was surprised by the rearranged versions of the Led Zep songs. Black Dog and What is and what should never be sound quite well. For Gallows Pole I prefer the Page/Plant version.
The band seems to be very thight. So overall it was a good concert, but as I said before I don’t like most of the new songs too much. For me the highlights were Going to California (as always), Dancing In Heaven, Let The Four Winds Blow and What Is And What Should Never Be

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