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Home » Robert Plant

Heineken Music Hall, Holland

5 April 2006 2,304 views No Comment

Intro (Shine it all around remix), Freedom Fries, Seven And Seven Is, Black Dog, Calling To You, Going To California, Friends, Another Tribe, Four Sticks, Tin Pan Valley, When The Levee Breaks
Encores: Band Intro, The Enchanter, Hoochie Coochie Man, Whole Lotta Love

This from Rien de Jongste
Before Robert Plant & the Strange Sensation hit the big summer festivals in Europe (justice at last!) we got a chance to see the man in Amsterdam. And it wasn’t bad at all. The Heineken Music Hall was (almost) sold out, and Plant was in a very good mood, clearly enjoying the band, the music and the fact that he’s still touring. Familiar long hair, classic moves and the most powerful voice in rock music still (anybody saying he doesn’t hit the high notes anymore probably has him confused with Ian Gillan – Plant still has a voice that can destroy a building and can easily compete with the 1975 Plant).
The band: very interesting bunch of people! Clive Deamer is a great drummer and especially John Baggot is an essential part of the band. I wasn’t too impressed with the guitars. Skin was ok, Justin Adams’ style just doesn’t do it for me. Too much world music, not enough rock (although the bluesy intro to Whole lotta love was pretty cool).
Some comments:
Intro – Very promising! Great remix, would please any Tricky- or Massive Attack-fan!
Freedom fries – Great opening, good sound, excellent vocals!
Seven and seven is – One of the highlights for me. Sounded a lot like the Who, with Keith Moon-drumming and Plant actually doing some Daltrey ‘microbatics’!
Black dog – Nice version. Plant after the “ah-ah”-singalong was rather disappointing: “C’mon people, I know it’s been a while, but the words are real easy…”.
Going to California – What can you say – beautiful as always!
Friends – Pretty much the Unledded version. Excellent song, but no added value. Would rather have heard some earlier Plant solo track. Why redo something that’s already been redone 12 years earlier? Still, it fits in well with the Strange Sensation material.
Another tribe – Works well, great song.
Calling to you – There we go! Good to hear some earlier solo-stuff! Nice version, although I prefer the heavier 1993 version.
Four sticks – See “Friends”.
Tin pan valley – Highlight! Great live track with over-the-top climax!
When the levee breaks – Like “Friends” and “Four sticks” this is Unledded redone. But again, it goes well with the new material.
The Enchanter – Very Doors-like track, one of the highlights. Lots of dynamics, great vocal performance (again).
Whole lotta love – Great ending to a great show. And as I said earlier: still the most powerful voice in rock music today – period!

This from Ben Zep, who appears to have enjoyed the show.
Not quite sure but here’s what I gathered:
“Freedom Fries”, and than “7 and 7 is”, followed by “Black Dog” and perhaps another song (can’t read my own handwriting no more). (Same thing Gary Foy suffers from).
A beautiful rendition of “Going to California”, “Calling to You” and “Friends”. Perhaps another song and then “Another Tribe” followed by “Four Sticks”. “Tin Pan Valley” and “When the Levee Breaks”. Encore: “The Enchanter” and of course “Whole Lotta Love”.
Mr. Plant sang extremely and surprisingly well (I must say I had my doubts, reading the reviews). It was a great show and it seemed Robert was in a good mood.

Review from: Ben Tiesinga
I attended the show with my wife, a brother in law, his son and a good friend. The Heineken Music Hall is situated in the “nicest” part of Amsterdam for those who like large business buildings and a football stadium. Even Robert made a remark of the venue being in this part of Amsterdam.
Robert was in good form and so were the band. They put up a real good show, starting with Freedom Fries, followed by a rocking Seven And Seven Is. Next up were Black Dog and the 2006 version of Calling to you. Going To California (glad it made the set list) was followed by an inspired version of Friends.
Plant reminded the audience at his last visit performing at “De Melkweg” (10-23-2000, Priory Of Brion).
Another Tribe, Four Sticks and Tin Pan Valley (“like this”), all three stand out tracks on my long list of favorites, were great to hear. So was When The Levee Breaks. Then after an hour, a bit early, Robert and band left the stage, later to return for the band intro and the encores.
The Enchanter (also one of my favorites songs) was followed by Hoochie Coochie Man which went right into a great version of Whole Lotta Love, getting the crowd rocking.
During that grand finale the stage lights were on. For me they might have been on during the entire show. Much better ambiance, although I don’t think Robert will share my opinion. Robert seemed to be in a good mood but did not seem to like the crowd’s attempts at participation, according to some of the Plantations during and in between songs. For instance during Black Dog “I know the song is old but the words are easy” and towards the end of the show he made a remark about the anesthetics wearing off. Why? Most of the audience is fans from the early days of Led Zeppelin and I think they showed their appreciation, especially during the grand finale. Robert and band put up a good entertaining show. For many of us not long enough (never enough)!
Sure hope Robert and his Strange Sensation will be back real soon. Six years is way to long but for now a big thank you for a great, only at least half an hour too short, show. The band really should have delivered a couple more songs!

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