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Home » Robert Plant

Ice Palace, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

12 November 2002 2,234 views No Comment

Hey Joe, Four Sticks, Morning Dew, Ramble On, Going to California (nobody sings “La-La-La”), Girl From The North Country/In the Mood, 
Celebration Day, Fixing to Die, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You, A House is not a Motel Tall Cool One, Whole Lotta Love
Encore: Darkness Darkness, Thank You (!)
Encore: Rock’n’Roll (!!)
Total time near 1:45

Arrive from Helsinki to Sankt-Petersburg 11:50 (airport Pulkovo-2) 11 November 2002.
Live in Europe Grand Hotel (Sankt-Petersburg) Press-conference in hotel Europe at Krysha Hall 11 nov 2002
Show in Ice Palace 12 november. Begining 20:00. Delay near half of hour.
Real start of show near 20:30.

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