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Home » Robert Plant

Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

1 August 2002 2,129 views No Comment

Celebration Day/Win My Train Fare Home (If I Ever Get Lucky) / Morning Dew / Going to California / Calling to You / Funny in My Mind (I Believe I”m Fixin’ to Die) / Four Sticks / Tall Cool One / Babe I’m Gonna Leave You

Set-list and this review from Adam
Although Plant was scheduled to hit the stage at 7:30, he came on around 7:45 (perhaps the reason we didn’t get an encore?). The place wasn’t nearly full when he sauntered out during the intro to Celebration Day, and judging from the response he was getting (even to the solo tunes!), those who came in late were kicking themselves. He was in fine form, even venturing out from his now-standard “safe” phrasing during the Zep tunes. For example, during Going to California, he attempted to sing the original melody for “Throw me a line if I reach it in time…”.
He seemed to be feeling the crowd, soaking up the applause with “Talk to me”, “Sing to me,” etc. Surprises included a souped-up, stunning Morning Dew, a powerful Calling To You that seems to lend itself well to this lineup, and a vintage primal scream during Babe I’m Gonna Leave You. The rock-god moves and “Plantations” were out in full force, with Robert commenting how he hadn’t been on the MSG stage for 30 years (?!?). His intro to Going to California was yet another philosophical digression (“a song about the human condition and the quest for love”). The only criticism I had was of Porl Thompson, who ought to be given decaf coffee and tied to a chair–his onstage antics distract from the mystical mood the other members work into the proceedings. (TBL/Webman comment: Porl? You sure?)
A very strong performance and the perfect foil to the onslaught The Who unleash a half hour later.

This from Chris Campanella
Well…Robert was in good form last night at the Garden…played only from 7:40 to 8:30 and then it was a 1/2 an hour for half a Who to set-up (couldn’t they have gone on at 9:15 and given Robert 15 extra minutes?)….No Darkness, Darkness which disappointed me greatly b/c I think it’s a great song. Not only that but they had some commercials going on the big screen that mention and show the storytellers performance of Darkness, Darkness and it wasn’t even in the setlist…
A few Plantations:
Fixin’ To Die (Plantation: “Written just before Zep got together in 1939.”)
Calling To You (Plantation: “About the beginning of the universe.”
Tall Cool One (Plantation: “An ad for Anheiser-Busch”)
When he talks to the crowd about these songs, I think he’s making half this stuff up and probably gets a kick how people probably take him seriously…

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