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Home » Robert Plant

New York (Beacon Theatre)

27 June 2005 2,917 views No Comment

No Quarter, Shine It All Around, Black Dog, Freedom Fries, Darkness, Darkness, Heartbreaker, Tin Pan Valley, That?s the Way, Gallows Pole, Mighty Rearranger, When the Levee Breaks
Encore : The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love

This from Jay Goldstein
Completely different story (to the first night). An unshaven plant (looked like the press photos from 1970) was loose and having a ball. Opened with Black Dog and the rockin didn’t stop for 1 hour 40 mminutes (thanks for the extra 10 minutes Perfcy)

Babe Im gonna leave you blew the house down. WLL was incredible. Roberts voice was very strong and he was wailing unlike I’ve heard him since 94. It was obvious he and the boys were having a ball and it showed. Nothing like that little extra for NYC. He was much more chatty tonight, dancing like crazy and his voice was just incredibly strong. He was ON tonight !!!

Replaced Mountain Dew with Darkness Darkness from Dreamland, Added No Quarter which was phenomenal and tonights version of Freedom Fries and Tin Pan Valley were super potent.

In sum, two great shows, but Monday night was a complete blowout. Can he still do it??? Better than any other “old fart” to use his own words


This from Dave Gillespie
What a terrific night – couldn’t believe how great Robert and his band sounded – they are tight and versatile, playing with tremendous passion and fire! Slightly re-arranged versions of old Zep classics stayed true enough to their original form so as not to loose their power, with “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You”, “That’s the Way” and “When the Levee Breaks” really standing out.

And the new songs were great – “Mighty Rearranger” is a genuinely outstanding effort! All in all, a wonderful night at the best venue in NYC to see a band!

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