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Home » Robert Plant

Nobel Peace Prize Concert, Oslo Spectrum, Norway

11 December 2003 2,464 views No Comment

Darkness Darkness, Morning Dew, Going To California, Imagine (with other performers)

Pix of Plant at the press conference (next to Michael Douglas) can be seeb here:
Robert told the press that he feelt honoured to participate in this celebration of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.

Reports on the gig say that Plant played Darkness Darkness, Going to California, Morning Dew and Imagine. The last song being a massed effort of the John Lennon song with Michael Douglas and his wife on stage. Descibed as a “strange and sensational version” featuring Baggott on Piano, Plant’s voice could be easily heard above the efforts of Tim McGrave, Roseanna Cash and other artists from the show.
Thanks Geir Hansen

From the TV show..
Robert was the last performer on stage.
First the hosts, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones introduced him by saying…”Now! Robert Plant and Strange Sensation!” They were both very excited (don’t know if they are Zep fans).

Plant started off with Darkness, Darkness….sounded really good! Voice was terrific.

He gave a short interesting speech after the song. Paid his “respects” to the Nobel winner and then said he was “happy to see so much positivity in the media today. This mass media, which shows us visions and pictures every day that we really don’t need to see. It nice they are showing a positive image and those that are doing positive things for mankind,” which he got a loud round of applause for.

He then broke into a tremendous version of “Morning Dew”. Really good!

Plant also looked good; considerably less gel in his hair then the appearances on American TV last year. He was also smartly dressed, “business casual” as we would say here in the states.

At the end all the performers came out and sang Lennon’s “Imagine”. You could see the other performers perk up when Plant sang.

One interesting side note; when they went to break before Plant’s appearance and promoted it by saying “coming up next Robert Plant” he was singing “Going to California” in the clip.

Review from Tony Pauline

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