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Home » Robert Plant

Octagon, Sheffield

24 October 2002 2,393 views No Comment

Set List: Hey Joe, Four Sticks, Down To The Sea, Morning Dew, Going To California, Girl From The North Country/In The Mood, Ramble On, Celebration Day, Funny In My Mind (I Believe I’m Fixin’ To Die), A House Is Not A Motel, Tall Cool One, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.
Encore: Darkness Darkness, Whole Lotta Love.

Set-List and review from Frank Urbonas
Support band, Arthur Brown, assisted by Dave Bryant and Nick Pin?, were well received by most of us who actually saw them. There latest album, at least the one on sale at the gigs, is well worth the asking price if only for the song “Walk With Angels”.

Stage set was the same as Manchester, but as this venue had height restrictions, the Dreamland backcloth only had the title and sun logo visible, and the “triffid towers” were only about 5 feet tall. Fashion note, Robert was sporting designer jeans and a mid blue short sleeved silk shirt, which he constantly pulled down at the waist as if it was too short. Has ‘The Golden God’ had a haircut since Sunday?

The show started with Hey Joe and after a pause when RP said something will happen, they were into Four Sticks. Good spot tonight, two standing rows back and in front of the adopted Welshman, Skin. Why, oh why do those ignoramuses insist on getting oiled at the bar and then muscle their way to the front, oblivious to everyone else? Down To The Sea was up next, followed by Morning Dew. This was performed well despite Skin having major problems with his pedal board. Out comes the stool so its Going To California. This was followed by Girl From The North Country which had Plants-In The Mood in the mid section. A storming version of Ramble On is next then we’re into Celebration Day and Funny In My Mind (I Believe I’m Fixin’ To Die). A House Is Not A Motel is electric, with Skin and Justin playing off each other.Elvis gets another mention before Tall Cool One and once again Babe I’m Gonna Leave You closed the set. Encore time and Song To The Siren is dropped from the set. Instead we get Darkness Darkness and Whole Lotta Love. And that’s it.

Don’t know what it is about these University gigs, small crowd, small hall, small PA, but Robert really enjoys them and as he said, “It’s nice to be able to see your eyes instead of being in those large, sterile caverns. Well Planty, I’ve got a decent sized lounge and you said you were cheap, so how about a gig in my homestead? I wish.

Plantation of the night, someone shouts Rock And Roll to which Planty replies ” Rock And Roll? mmm, it’ll never catch on” Love it.
This from Pete Fletcher
What a show! Packed lively house. Frighteningly bad support act (I wonder why he’s only had 1 hit). Planty was on fine vocal form, and relaxed and really enjoying him self, the sound quality was superb and the band were as tight as Jeffrey Archer’s sphincter in the shower.(TBL/Webman: hmmm can I print this?)
Having seen the Birmingham show, this one was a lot less frantic, and someone seems to have woken up the lighting man.
All in All, sod the Zep revival and Planty please carry on being one of the only rock icons (with the exception of Neil Young and Bowie) who at 50+ is still trying to push the envelope and not just trot out a sad greatest hits package. It was a shame he only did the one encore as the crowd were going nuts, but as he said “it’s late and shouldn’t we all be in bed at our age.

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