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Home » Robert Plant


10 December 2005 2,209 views No Comment

Songs covered over the 2 nights were:-
7&7 Is, Black Dog, Freedom Fries, Let The Four Winds Blow, Going To California , Four Sticks, Hey Joe, What Is And What Should Never Be, Tin Pan Valley, When The Levee Breaks , Gallows Pole, Win my train fare home (Sat), No quarter(Sat) , Ramble on (Sat), Takamba, kings horses, A ‘Love’ cover I haven’t heard him sing before (Sat), Celebration Day (Sat).
Encores: The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love on both nights.He also sung Smoke Stacked Lightning & Hoochie Coochie Man in intros as well

This from Seamus Mullan
2 very different sets, but amazing each night – Robert was really pumped up & jokingly kicked the mic stand off the stage on Fri and very politely thanked the stage hand for returning it – this is the 3rd & 4th time I have seen him live with ss & he was genuinely blown away by the reception he received on each night (he replaced Eddie with Eamon on Sat night)
The Sat night went about 7 mins longer than Friday – sorry I cant remember the exact set lists but the order on Fri was totally different from the previous weeks’ orders and as for Saturday – it was amazing how many other songs he sang
I was lucky enough to meet Skin, Billy & John after the show – all really sound people & down to earth – I think Billy was surprised he was recognized!!

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