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Home » Robert Plant

Pappy & Harriets, Pioneertown

26 February 2006 2,665 views No Comment

Love Me, Fever, Thank You, Sea Of Love, Money, If I Was A Carpenter, For What It’s Worth/ Season Of The Witch and Oh Happy Days

More on the Robert Plant appearance last week at the small club Pappy & Harriets in Pioneertown, near Joshua Tree. Robert had been the previous evening to see Wanda Jackson perform at the venue, and hearing of the loose jam atmosphere the next night said he would call in. Sunday night features local friends and musicians who go under the name “Thrift Store All Stars”. The band did there first set and was joined at the end by Robert for a run though off Elvis “Love Me” and “Fever” and closing the first set with Zeppelins “Thank You” After the band took a break they returned for a second set with Robert again joining them at the end for versions of “Sea Of Love” and “Money” after which Robert was handed the “tip jar” to pass amongst the hundred or so audience. “If I Was A Carpenter” was next followed by “For What It’s Worth” and “Season Of The Witch” before finishing off with the gospel “Oh Happy Days”.

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