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Home » Robert Plant

Rochester Hills, Mich.

7 July 2005 2,184 views No Comment


This from Mark Otto
LPlant has never played Meadowbrook Theatre, a small outdoor venue in the pleasant, rolling hilly northern suburbs of Detroit. Dont have the entire setlist, but everything played has been played in the tour already I believe. The set opened with a very tight Heartbreaker and went right into Shine It All Around. Standard new style Black Dog followed. As quoted elsewhere, Plant said ‘this one goes out to our brothers in England’ as an intro to “That’s The Way”. A comment on the terrorist bombings there that same day. The previous night’s show was in Toronto and we in the states worried the show would be delayed if the border tightened up like it did after 9-11. Luckily, that did not happen. All around, Robert was in a very good mood, dancing and strutting around the mic on most every song. He did stop mid way thru Black Dog and yelled at a young man sitting down in the front row. And deservedly so. The attack went something like ‘hold on, hold on (band stops as he stare at gentleman in front row, stage right)…Are you OK? THen get the fuck off your ass and stand up, this is a rock and roll show. And you’re half my fucking age! Noone sits down in the front row at my show!” Classic. Plant toyed with that same person during the accoustic set and told him it was OK to sit down now. A very energetic WLL closed the show and his last words were..’see you in the fall’. Good news there ! See you then, Robert.

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