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Home » Robert Plant

Teatro Nazionale, Milan Italy

4 May 2006 2,218 views No Comment

Included If I Ever Get Lucky (Win My Train Fare Home) and three numbers with Tinariwen

This from Gabriella, (the shy Italian fan).
Robert and the Strange Sensation were “just” guests in the final part of the concert. Indeed the main groups were Tounami Diabate and his Symmetric Orchestra (their guest was an Italian musician), that played in the first part of the show, and Tinariwen.
Robert was not well so he sang just a song (in English!!), “If I ever get lucky”, and then he “played” the guitar in two or three songs together with Tinariwen, Justin Adams, Billy Fuller and
Clive Deamer, who played an African drum. Robert at the guitar was incredible…I think that sometimes he didn’t play really ..he looked at Justin, asking with his eyes ” and now what I have to do?…” and one time I heard Justin answer “G,G,G “….
The concert was in memory of Ali Farka Toure and Robert wanted to participate, for him and for Tinariwen too, even if he was sick (“malato” he said in Italian) All the musicians were wonderful… I liked very much the group, Tinariwen.
After the concert I waited for Robert outside the theater…and when he came out a friend of mine stopped him, saying “hi Robert, thank you” and they shook hands.
Well, I could neither speak nor move my hand… ciao

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