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Home » Robert Plant

The Forum Kentish Town, London

6 December 2005 4,375 views No Comment

Intro: Shine It All Around Remix, Freedom Fries, Seven and Seven Is, Black Dog, Let The Four Winds Blow, Going To California, Girl From The North Country, Another Tribe, Four Sticks, Hey Joe, What Is And What Should Never Be, Tin Pan Valley, When The Levee Breaks, Gallows Pole.
Encores: The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love


This from Down By The Seaside
Here we are again, cold damp London, at least it isn’t a Sunday! After meeting up with many old familiar faces at The Assembly Rooms Public House and certain members of our group admiring the fine shape of the bar maid (forever now known as the bandanna girl), we weave are way in to Forum, again missing the support act and take up stage left for tonight’s performance. The more I hear the Arabic music prior to the intro tape the more I’m convinced that what we are indeed hearing The Strange Sensations own recordings. A better audience tonight greets a similar set from Sunday, missing Shine It All Around and adding Girl From The North Country and Gallows Pole, the latter succeeding in all areas and the former losing it self on me I’m afraid. A good night but the for me the set dipped to early into the mid tempo numbers. Highlights again were Seven and Seven is, What Is And What Should Never Be, Tin Pan Valley and Gallows Pole. Letting the side down I succumbed to the merchandising and brought a fine Robert Plant mug of the grand price of £8.00, only to leave it in the Kings Cross Curry House latter that evening! Will I ever learn? Not according to the wife! Oh well, off to the Black Country next week…if you see me heading towards the merchandising stall, please hit me with a large stick!

This from Stephen Batchelor
Hi there,thought I would give you a few lines on the fantastic gig last night. Bob n’ the Band were on great form and went down a storm. Robert seemed in an excellent mood (for London!) and we had amusing plantations on recurring theme “Cliff”, how he must stop trading on the “Misty Mountains” and a comment of “Does it really matter?” with regard to Robbie Williams sexuality. Even laughed off dropping his tambourine at the end of “Girl From The North Country” saying that he still couldn’t catch despite having “Been to all the doctors”! Set highlight was undoubtedly the storming and original versions of Levee and Black Dog. Having seen him solo several times this was the best yet. Keep on going Percy! Sorry about the lack of set list!

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