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Home » Robert Plant

The Town Hall, Kidderminster

23 December 2006 2,685 views No Comment

Mess Of Blues, Little Sister, she Little Sheila, Its Gonna Work Out Fine, Black Magic Woman, Keep On Loving Me, Big Log, Can’t Be Satisfied, Rattlesnake Shake, Big Hunk Of Love, Daddy Rolling Stone, What I’d Say, Silent Night/Santa Claus

Robert and the Return Of The Honeydrippers played for about seventy minutes
The Honeydrippers consisted of:- Robert Plant vocals, Robbie Blunt, Andy Sylvester and Wayne Terry on guitars, Mark Stanway on keyboards, Steve Atkins on drums and backing vocals by Mo Birch and her daughter in law.
The actually running order for the night was
Mike Sanchez and the Portions,
Robert Plant and the return of The Honeydrippers,
Harriets Initials,
Shark Attack,
Sounds by Pigstyle

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