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Home » Robert Plant

Tsunami Benefit Gig, Bristol Academy

20 February 2005 2,377 views No Comment

Win My Train Fare Home, Black Dog, Tin Pan Valley, The Enchanter, Whole Lotta Love

This from Peter Rowlstone
Well, I was at the Sunday night gig in Bristol- and Robert and band were in fine form. Robert was dressed in solemn dark colours, but seemed happy and excited to be there. They did 5 songs. I think he said Tin Pan Valley was going to be a single.

The band were in excellent form – Black Dog was slightly reworked but was just excellent – the chorus bit being kept the same as the original and packing as much punch. The crowd joined in on the Ah Ahhs as they should and let out a mighty roar after the first time round – which Robert encouraged. The new songs sound very good – Tin Pan Valley being particularly heavy in places. And, of course Whole Lotta Love was pure excitement.

Only a short set – but they blew away pretty much every act that evening. Robert said he was really happy to be singing again – and he seemed in a fine mood and looking rather well.

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