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Home » Robert Plant

Tweeter Center, The Waterfront, Camden, NJ

27 July 2002 2,422 views No Comment

We had lawn seats(which actually are not seats) and there was a torrential downpour minutes before Plant came on but the place was still packed and waiting. I thought I was at Woodstock. The crowd was doing the rain chant and cheered louder as the rain came down harder.
Anyway, the show was pretty much the standard, except no Whole Lotta Love, but I will say that Plant hasn’t sounded this good in years. He seems to have the full register back again. Highlights were Hey Joe and his new stripped down version of Tall Cool One was powerful and absolutely mind blowing. Alot of people have been frowning on his closing with Song To The Siren and I agree to an extent because it’s a bit of a downer for a last tune but he sings that song so incredibly well. Very refreshing!
Frank Ginocchio

I was truly disappointed that the Mansfield gig had such a dis-interested audience. They missed out on a fantastic set. The folks I went with could not believe that such a great artist was so totally unappreciated in his attempt to again, move his music toward a higher level. It pains me that my hometown of Boston, who greeted Robert with such a warm reception last year, could have cooled this much (I do believe that it was merely because it was a Who-oriented audience). Please do come back Robert!!!
Sandy Pesce

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