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Home » Robert Plant

Vancouver, BC Orpheum

22 September 2005 2,314 views No Comment

No Quarter, Shine it all Around, Black Dog, Freedom Fries, Going To California, Girl From the North Country, Hey Joe, Four Sticks, Tin Pan Valley, Gallows Pole, Thank You
Encore: The Enchanter, Sugar Mama Intro Whole Lotta’ Love

This from Michael Rae
A great set at the magnificent Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver. It was a great chance for this Australian fan on a brief visit to Canada to catch the current tour. (Hint: Escape the English winter and come to Melbourne for the Australian Open, Robert!)

A few changes from sets for previous shows report on TBL.

The new material was inspired, with the new album’s songs warmly received.

A ripping version of Tin Pan Valley was greeted by a crowd pretty evenly divided between old and young fans. (Very different to the sea of balding pates that gleamed in the lights of the Yes 35th anniversary tour of Australia!)

Highlights were Girl From The North Country , introduced with “Here is a song by a friend of Neil Young,” and a tearing Black Dog, where our vocalist ordered “listen to this Eddie!” “Hey Joe” was introduced as “..another song from the Great American Songbook yet to be done by our spiky haired friend. A tale of love, lust and infidelity – just another fun, family song.”

The Vancouver Sun, next day, gave a generous review, noting that RP is still producing new relevant material, unlike many of his “human jukebox” contemporaries currently on tour across North America. The review also noted Robert’s obvious enthusiasm. He was smiling just as broadly as the audience.

It was great to see Robert and the band in top form and seeming to be having the time of their lives. I do hope I get the chance to share that experience with mates back home. C’mon Robert, you know it makes sense!!


This from Joseph Whiteside
Always a pleasure to watch a musician try new ways and avenues to present their music. Plant did so with energy and creativity. His band was right there with him, because they all seemed to have a immensely good time on stage. Plant, always a generous member of a group, gave his band mates plenty of opportunity to showcases their multi-instrumental talents. They exceeded my expectations. Hearing some of those Portishead sonic soundscapes blending effortlessly Plant’s musical vision was wonderful.

The songs from an almost unrecognizable No Quarter until the chorus was stunning and as noted above Tin Pan Alley was a highlight of the new material. Girl From the North Country illustrated how well Plant had brought his own vision and purpose to a song oft recorded by others. The lighting effectively enhanced the music rather than dominated, and in added to the excellent sound in the home of our Symphony Orchestra (members of whom played on the Page/Plant show some years ago.

I and my pal Roger (from Knebworth days) sat beside the Vancouver Sun reporter who had to leave after Tin Pan Alley to meet her filing deadline. (She really wanted to stay) I told her how special this music was and how great it is to hear musicians try something new. She was very much of the same mind, and I was glad to see it reflected in her review.

The only disappointment was the 95 minutes show length. We were really hoping for at least 2 hours.


This from Alli Ames
I just gotta say: First, I am Robert Plant’s most interested fan or is it most devoted dove-tailed….
That said, I feel that the reviews posted on Tour Watch are probably all glossed over and I can’t quite figure out why. Is it because people want to see their scripts up on the site? Or is it because they want to believe the rumour? Or is it because they want to fit in so people like them?

I was at the Sep 22 Orpheum show too, front row center. Maybe I’m just out of tune with the current script for reality. O>K> its a possibility. It was a ‘good’ show for mediocre (for Robert).

Robert was noticeably enthused over the 20 year old hotties jumpin googooo in front of him the whole time. Aside from that, he and the band seemed to be tired and disinterested. Or was that just plain boredom on their faces? Well I guess singing the same songs over and over 30 years and probably hundreds of
times could do that to a person. Personally, I don’t know how he can stand it.

When I saw the band in the States 3 years ago they were rippin and fresh, music full tilt. Now I sense the music to be pretty discombobulated; there doesn’t seem to be a beat or rhythm that carries thru that one can move with on most of the Sensation songs. Maybe that’s why most of the audience sat or stood still most of the concert. Go figure..Anyway, I don’t mean to be mean but “Freedom F and Tin PV” are 2 of the worst songs I’ve ever heard, particularily the lyrics. Whatever happened to the ‘be seduced/entertained by song( rather than informed)’preferences RP spoke of. Not only that. Just because they change a few bits of the arrangements on old songs – and not necessarily for the better – it doesn’t change them from really being the same old song. So the things he complains about other performers are really the same things he’s doing for the most part.

And I guess that’s why it’s become such a sensationally declarative issue with him. Have you ever gone to or heard of a RP concert where he didn’t do mostly Zep?

Well, you gotta love him, but please can’t we be straight about this. He puts on a good to great show. From what I can tell, he quips the same bits over all the shows on the tour, nothing personal or spontaneous. Not that it has to be. They are well rehearsed and orchestrated I suppose as it should be. Rober Plant does not perform anywhere close to how he did – even in ’98. The band plays really interesting music even if it is at times disconnected and confusing. Except for a few songs, I personally hate both Sensation CD’s – to me the songs sink and I can’t stand to hear most of them. Robert will always sing well, he’s a great singer, but there’s no getting that 20’s edge back. I admit I love him completely. Love ain’t blind. He is really good. But he’s no god. I do like some of the new ways he presents his old classics, variety and novelty are good, but “reinventing himself”???? Not. I just wish he’d garner his view and write different happy, intriguing and charming songs/stories. He has taken a slight turn away from the bitchin blues and begun to shine a happier light for which I
am glad and grateful. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou….Redresse

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