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Home » Robert Plant

Verizon Wireless Music Center, Noblesville, IN

25 August 2002 2,102 views No Comment

Set List: If I Ever Get Lucky, Celebration Day, Morning Dew, Funny In My Mind, Going to California, Tye Dye on the Highway, 4 Sticks, Tall Cool One, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You. Encore: Whole Lotta Love

This from Laureanne Nordstrom
Robert looked fine in his white shirt and pants. Several times, he expressed his appreciation for the warm response his new songs received, but he also had to prod the audience a few times to get louder. The crowd may not have been loud enough for his taste, but they certainly were very enthusiastic and involved in his performance from my perspective. The new songs were played with great energy, and, performed by this group of musicians, the old songs sounded new. The show ended far too quickly.

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