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26 September 2018 3,342 views 5 Comments

Reflections on the simply amazing John Bonham A Celebration concert in Redditch last Saturday:

Photo by Jonathan Barry

Brilliantly organised, there was a real feeling of warmth throughout the day – the outside rain did nothing to dampen spirits.

It was great to catch up with so many friends and TBL people including Gary Davies, Chris Maley, Ian Avey and Sue ,Graeme Hutchinson and Pam, Steve Way, Paul Aspey, David Cunningham, Mark Halliwell, Clem and Sam Dellaway to name but a few.

I arrived around 11am. I had my own early morning moment next to the Memorial -and quickly found myself welling up again – it just does that to you. The sheer  enormity of it all…John being back here by the church and green he would have passed so many times…and of course with September 25, looming, it was hard not to think back 38 years to that fateful day and replay it all…


I swallowed the big lump in my throat, cleared my eyes and for the next 12 hours went on to celebrate John Bonham’s life and legacy…

And what a celebration it was…

Around 12ish Deborah made her way to the John Bonham Memorial to officially hand over the sculpture to the people of Redditch. This was done with the deputy mayor of Redditch – Deb made a short speech to large applause from those gathered around. Later Johns wife Pat and daughter Zoe made an appearance by the Memorial.

Back inside the venue, there was an interesting and varied line up of acts throughout the day – I particularly liked the Rebecca Downes Band and Deborah’s set was simply outstanding.

Rather than her standard set,  Deb presented  a personal John Bonham greatest hits line up – in effect his favourite songs and  all  brilliantly delivered by Deb,Pete and co and special friends – the performance of Bad Co’s Shooting Star was right up there on the all time emotional count.

The filmed inserts from Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant ,Paul Rodgers and Mick Fleetwood were very touching.

The set list included:

Nutbush City Limits

Hey Joe

The Everly Brothers Bye Bye Love – with Johnny Bryant and Antonia Burt

Stephen Stills Love The One Your With – one of my all time fave songs!

I’d Rather Go Blind – featuring original Chicken Shack guitarist Andy Sylvester

The Chain – preceded by a story of how John would be playing Fleetwood Mmac’s Rumours in the car on eight track when John used to pick up Deb from school (Kidderminster Convent)

Wishing Well – with a nod to Maggie Bell

Can’t Get Enough

My Brother Jake  – just fantastic!

Ready For Love – this was an amazing delivery of the Bad Co song – Deb really going for it on an extended finish. Deb later told me she based this on the final part of Robert’s vocal delivery of the live Zep No Quarter.

Shooting Star -preceded by a filmed insert from Paul Rodgers in which he strummed the intro to the song

Oldy Hyde Farm (with Ian Hatton)…so moving as it always is

With A Little Help From My Friends – with Zoe and Pat and Bev Bevan on drums. A glorious rendering of the perfect anthem for the day.

Rock And Roll – with a young fan joining them on percussion.

It was very heartwarming to see Pat and Zoe Bonham up on stage. Pat told me later she had rarely sung on stage before but did remember a Zep boat party years back when Robert had asked to get up and sing with singer songwriter Labi Sifre (‘’I was too scared!”). Pat wore a very fetching led Zeppelin Electric Magic t shirt.

There were a number of notable musicians of the Midlands in attendance too including Steve Gibbons, Bev Beven, Andy Sylvester, Wayne Terry,Ian Hatton etc.

Above photos by Jonathan Barry.

I had a chat with Bev Bevan – he was on great form

It was also amazing too to see so many fans from afar including the US, France and Italy. Letz Zep closed the show – and then a final filmed message from Jason Bonham sent us all home feeling that uniquely warm Bonham magic in the air.

Big thanks to Ros, Gemma for all there organising skills and the whole Memorial team – and Clem and Sam for the original idea. As Steve Way said to me, what has been achieved in the four years since he and I attended the fiirst fund raising concert at the nearby St. Stephen’s church in August 2014 is simply monumental. Seeing so many fans admiring the nearby sculpture was also very moving.

All this of course to aid of Teenage Cancer Trust and their vital services in the West Midlands. As Deb said to me as we were saying fond farewells ‘’John would be so proud that we are giving something back in his memory’

Giving something back and inspiring a whole community – not to mention fans across the globe – the John Bonham Memorial has developed into a fitting tribute and this all day concert was a tangible outpouring of love and admiration in the name of the whole Bonham family.

Once again being in the company of this very special family was an honour and a privilege…and it would fantastic if this wonderful celebration of a much missed and loved musician could become an annual event. the pic here includes Zoe, Deb myself and Pat.

Dave Lewis – September 23,2018.

Here’s some words from Ros Sidaway the campaign leader and events manager of the Celebration Concert and one of the main drivers of the whole John Bonham Memorial fund:

Thank you so much Dave and I am only sorry that I only had chance for the briefest of hellos. So pleased you enjoyed the day and I’m over the moon by the atmosphere and outpouring of love for John.

Everyone played their part – the bands and special guests were fantastic, the audience so appreciative, technicians and backstage team enabled an amazing sound and light display.
Stewards, Cava security, adhoc helpers had so much stamina. But got to give special mention to Gemma Varnfield, Ellie Burden, Angela Bates, Giles Lees, Richard Sidaway, and last,but by no means least, my wonderful husband, David, who with Richard worked literally non-stop setting up/breaking down the site with fencing, hospitality set up, after clean up, and stewarding throughout the event. Not to mention all his support in the months leading up to Saturday.
Thank you again for helping to publicise to fans, and of course for your wonderful contribution to the souvenir programme. I will listen to those tracks as again with new found understanding of John’s drumming brilliance.
Thanks Ros…all in all it was an incredibly uplifting day…


A busy few days ahead…

Firstly, some disappointing news:

Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle by Dave Lewis  and Mike Tremaglio Update:

Publication date delayed…

Omnibus Press have informed me that due to shipping problems the Evenings With Led Zeppelin books will not be in the country to meet the intended publication date of September 27. This is disappointing news:

Amazon UK have advised a delivery date of October 11 for those that have pre- ordered.

The major down side to all that is that will be no books in the country to coincide with the Festival of Sound event on Friday and the TBL gathering at the Atlas pub on Sunday. This is not an ideal situation to say the least – but the show goes on…

We will be still be launching as planned at the Festival of Sound on Friday and the TBL event at The Atlas on Sunday. We do have various examples of the book that we  can show. Co- author Mike Tremaglio will be coming over from the US to be in attendance at both events. Julian Walker will be assisting us in both presentations.

So in the face of adversity we plough on…it will still be a blast of a weekend…and the expectation of this long awaited volume extends a few days…

576 pages,

260,000 words

2,500+ images

170 rarely seen colour and black and white photos…

and we will be explaining just how we achieved all that on Friday and Sunday.

We look forward to seeing all that can make it along.

Pre ordering details:

In the UK the book can be pre ordered via Amazon at this link:

Overseas orders:

A US Amazon link for US orders will follow shortly  

Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle – Official Omnibus Press Launch at the Festival Of Sound Event:

The forthcoming Evenings With Led Zeppelin book will be officially launched by Omnibus Press at the Festival of Sound event in Hammersmith London on Friday September 28.

Mike Tremaglio and myself will be staging an hour long presentation of the book from 11am to 12.

We look forward to seeing all that can make it along. Here’s the info:

Friday September, 28:

Festival of Sound – The Music And Audio Show:

Novotel London West
1 Shortlands,
W6 8DR

“When Led Zeppelin played a concert, it wasn’t just a concert – it was an event.” – Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin’s manager, 1993

Authors Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglio explain how they researched in detail the 500 plus concerts Led Zeppelin performed to produce the book Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle (Omnibus Press)


The evolution of the group in 1968

The intensive touring schedule in their early years

How Led Zeppelin and manager Peter Grant changed the art of rock presentation in the late 60s/early70s

The group’s speedy elevation to being the world’s greatest live attraction of the rock era

The importance of the visual element of the book

Why this book is much more than a log of concerts

Led Zeppelin’s importance in rock history

Fifty years on from their formation, Led Zeppelin’s potency as a live band remains unsurpassed – Evenings With Led Zeppelin vividly explains why.

Presentation followed by Question and Answer session

The full Friday line up reads as follow:

Special Event (Evenings With Led Zeppelin: Dave Lewis & Mike Tremaglio)

Special Event (Peter Aylett: The Future Of Technology)

Special Event (Chris Difford)

Special Event (Russ Andrews: Discovering Better Sound)

Special Event (Meet The Editor: Noel Keywood)

Special Event (Let The Good Times Roll: Kenney Jones & Chris Kimsey)

Special Event (Dre, King Kofi, Margin Kings, Peaky)

Special Event (Jeczalic/Langan (Art Of Noise): Deconstructed For Your Listening Pleasure)

Entry to the event in advance is £10 and £15 on the day

More details at:


Planet Rock Zep-tember Top Ten Led Zeppelin Gigs -airs September 26 7 pm:

The interview I recorded for Planet Rock with DJ Ian Danter, in which we discussed the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book and ten of the greatest Led Zeppelin gigs was due to air on Wednesday September 26 at 7 pm.

See more at:

Update – Here is the link to listen to the show again:



On Sunday it’s over to Fulham…

Dave Lewis and Julian Walker Present..

Led Zeppelin at 50 – It’s Been A Long Time 1968 -2018

Led Zeppelin 50th Anniversary TBL Celebration Day Event

Sunday, September 30, 2018

12 midday to 8.30pm

The Atlas Pub

16 Seagrave Road,Fulham, London, SW6 1RX

Following on from last December’s hugely enjoyable ‘Ahmet We Did It’ 02 Ten Years Gone event at this venue, we are going back to the pub on Sunday September 30 for a day of Led Zeppelin 50th Anniversary Celebrations.

This event is now sold out – there may be a couple of late places – email me at for updated info.

Here’s what we have lined up for this 50th anniversary Celebration Day:

Zep Author Luis Rey and renowned Led Zep chronicler Andy Adams will be talking about the recently published 50th Anniversary updated edition of Luis’ Led Zeppelin Tape Documentary book.

Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglio will be talking  about the recently published Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle (Omnibus Press).

Dave and the visiting Mike Tremaglio over from Connecticut will unravel the story of how we researched and compiled the 260,00 words and 576 pages that make up the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book.

The always illuminating Chris Charlesworth will be discussing what makes a good rock biography – or not… and the relationship between Led Zeppelin and the rock press in the 70s. Chris of course in his role as a Melody Maker journalist covered Zep extensively in the early 70s. Chris’ book Elvis Caught In a Trap – The Kidnapping of Elvis was published in 2017 via Red Planet.

Renowned journalist, author and broadcaster Patrick Humphries reveals the links between Fairport Convention and Led Zeppelin and his experiences of interviewing Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Patrick compiled the recently released A Tree With Roots- Fairport Convention and Friends Song Of Bob Dylan CD on Universal.

Journalist and author Mark Blake will be talking about his forthcoming biography of Peter Grant – Bring it On Home: Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin, and beyond: The Story Of Rock’s Greatest Manager (Little Brown Books). Written with full co-operation of the family, Mark’s portrayal of the fabled Zep manager will be the definitive account.

Phil Tattershall – the well known UK Zep collector/authority will be presenting ‘Confessions of a Led Zeppelin Taper’

The Led Zeppelin Quiz – 50 at 50.

Presented by Andy Adams, Dave Lewis and Julian Walker – 50 Zep brainteasing questions – prizes to be won for the winners!

During the day we will be showing various Led Zeppelin footage from every stage of their career.

We look forward to seeing all those who have purchased tickets  – we will be welcoming Led Zeppelin fans from the UK,US, Italy and Germany.

Dave Lewis and Julian Walker


Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

Led Zeppelin

  • Led Zeppelin is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Classic Rock Magazine. Find out more about the issue here.
  • The published of Led Zeppelin’s upcoming photography book has extended the offer for a free poster. Customers who order the book directly from publisher Reel Art Press until October 9 will still get a poster.

Robert Plant

  • Robert Plant has continued his US tour this week with several shows. See the setlists and videos below:
September 16 – KAABOO festival, California
Good Times Bad Times
The Lemon Song
Turn It Up
Poor Howard
Going to California
Gallows Pole
Carry Fire
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Little Maggie
Fixin’ to Die
Black Dog
Bring It On Home / Whole Lotta LoveSeptember 19 – Tucson, Arizona
When the Levee Breaks
Turn It Up
In the Mood
The Rain Song
Please Read the Letter
Gallows Pole
Carry Fire
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Poor Howard
Funny In My Mind (I Believe I’m Fixin’ to Die)
Ramble On
Good Times Bad Times
Black DogSeptember 21 – Tulsa, Oklahoma
When the Levee Breaks
Turn It Up
In the Mood
The Rain Song
Please Read the Letter
Gallows Pole
Carry Fire
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Poor Howard
Got My Mojo Working
Ramble On
Good Times Bad Times
Black Dog


Upcoming events:

September 23 – Robert Plant will perform at the Bourbon & Beyond festival in Louisville, Kentucky.
September 25 – Robert Plant will perform in Irving, Texas.
September 27 – The “Evenings With Led Zeppelin” book will be released and Robert Plant will perform in Lubbock, Texas.
September 28 – Dave Lewis will launch his “Evenings With Led Zeppelin” book at the Festival of Sound event in Hammersmith London.
September 29 – Empress Valley will release the soundboard recording of Led Zeppelin’s September 29, 1971 show and Robert Plant will perform in Austin, Texas.
September 30 – The TBL 50th Anniversary Celebration Day event will take place at The Atlas Pub in Fulham, London and Robert Plant will perform in Austin, Texas.
October 1 – Robert Plant will perform in Austin, Texas.
October 9 – The official Led Zeppelin photo book will be released and free posters will stop being given out for orders placed after this date.
October 16 – “Bring it on Home,” a new biography of Led Zeppelin manager Peter Grant, will be released.
October 25 – Robert Plant will perform in Cardiff, Wales.
October 26 – Robert Plant will perform in London, UK.
October 28 – Robert Plant will perform in Dublin, Ireland.
November 20 – The Japanese edition of the official Led Zeppelin photo book will be released.
November 29 – “Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass”, which features an interview with John Paul Jones, will be released.

Many thanks to James Cook.

The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:

Led Zeppelin News Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at

One more via LZ news – a report of the Led Zeppelin By Led Zeppelin book launch which took place on Monday night at the National Portrait Gallery with Jimmy Page in attendance:


DL/TBL Reflections 2 – Sounds Led Zeppelin Ten years Gone feature – 40 years Gone…

(Extracts from Music Is Life To My Ears –The Dave Lewis Memoirs (TBL Publishing – work in progress for future publication) 

Here’s some more text form the DL Reflections – this one marks the 40th anniversary of the publication of the Sounds Ten Years Gone feature I worked on with Geoff Barton. Here’s the whole story….

Barton 20

Sounds Four Part The Complete Led Zep –  40 Years Gone – DL Reflections 2

In Part 1 of the DL Reflections, I explained how by 1978, I had built up an amount of written work on Zeppelin ready to unleash my Led Zeppelin fanzine  project Tight But Loose – of which a prototype first issue was already under construction.

In early 1978 I replied to a query in the Wax Factor column in Sounds –one of the weekly music papers of the time. This column was run by the late Barry Lazell and basically offered information to queries sent in by readers. One such letter requested how to obtain Hey Hey What Can I Do. Under the guise Dave Lewis ‘’Ace Zep Fan’’ (yes it was pretentious but hey I was young!), I replied giving the correct info. I made similar correspondence with Barry over a query about the Blueberry Hill bootleg– both of these were published.

In late May (around the time of my leap of faith with The Who at Shepperton), I received a call from Geoff Barton one of the main writers at Sounds. He had evidently seen the Wax Factor replies and wanted to enlist my assistance on an upcoming Led Zeppelin feature. This was to be an ambitious three week series celebrating the band’s tenth anniversary.

The brief was for me to supply a timeline history of the band for Geoff to work with plus a full discography – I suggested to Geoff that we include a bootleg listing and other pre and post session details. I’d only ever seen the basic Zep discography and I saw this as a major opportunity to present an extensive showcase of the band’s recording history to that period.

On June 8th I met with Geoff Barton at the Sounds office in Long Acre Covent Garden, to discuss all this at length.. I took in a whole load of memorabilia for them to photograph to illustrate the feature – programmes, photos and a fair few vinyl bootlegs (no jpeg scanning in those far off days!). Looking back I was a bit naive entrusting them with all this and one or two items did go missing.

Back in the Dents Road bedroom during the summer of ’78, I set to work on collating all the info required – all hand written I might add. It was a real thrill to be finally finding an outlet for the masses of info I had collected and logged –and knowing that it would be seen by fans across the country.  I was also in touch with Swan Song and told them of my involvement. I have to say there did seem some tetchiness between Sounds and Swan Song – not that it was any of my business – this uneasiness would later result in Sounds being banned from having press passes for Knebworth – which is another story altogether.

So, by early August all my info was at the Sounds office ready to be incorporated into this lavish series. Boy was I excited.

On Thursday September 14, the first part appeared- with a cover photo of the now much seen group posing by the car shot taken by Dick Barnatt (see TBL 35 for the full story). The series was dubbed ‘The Complete Led Zep’

Week one kicked off with a re appraisal of the Zep albums to that point by Geoff Barton. As the ordinal blurb put it, ‘ Geoff gives the albums a going over….he did that alright and for someone who was pretty defensive of any criticism of Zep – I was a little surprised at his often negative comments.

Zep 4 he summarised as as ”overrated” (two and a half stars out of five,)

Song Remains soundtrack got 2 stars Physical Graffiti 3 stars and Presence 2 and a half. Geoff’s alliegence was clearly for early Zep where Zep I was four and a half stars, , Zep II five and Zep III five.

Barton 16

It’s worth noting, that Sounds was one of the music weeklies facing an identity crisis in the wake of the punk/new wave explosion. Zep of course were seen as the dinosaurs of the old wave and there were some agendas at play in how they were being covered. Sounds would later develop a platform for the so called ‘New Wave of British Heavy Metal’  pioneered by Geoff Barton himself.

Oh well..  the series was up and running.

Week 2 was the timeline chronology. Geoff had incorporated my facts and info into the piece pretty well to unfold the Zep story but the whole feature suffered by some seriously odd lay out being spread over several pages – one page being dwarfed by an advert for a Godley And Crème album.

Barton 9

There was good news and bad news about week 3. The bad news first: I had taken the rare Robert Plant 1967 solo single Long Time Coming for them to photograph. For whatever reason, when it came to being re- produced the whole of the CBS label was illegible –looking like a blank label and nothing else …the caption the Robert Plant rare single almost looked a bit of a tongues in cheek – ie so rare you can’t actually see it! Note also the sticker on the label which states min bid £15 which is what I paid for it around a year earlier -it’s now worth minimum  £350!

Barton 7

The good news was all the other bootleg covers came out fine and surrounded what was then the first ever comprehensive bootleg listing drawn from my research and info and own collection. It was literally everything I knew up to that point and I was also well pleased with the overall presentation of the pre Zep information and the outtakes references etc. Again this type of information had never been collated as extensively.

Barton 6

When I visited the Sounds office around that time, I did point out to Geoff about the uneven lay out and the record sleeve problem. Frankly he was not that receptive with such criticism.I was learning fast that these guys were under pressure to produce a weekly music paper and time was not of the essence.( Geoff and I have since laughed about this since when I’ve seen him at the Classic Rock Awards).

Barton 4

When I was in the office, then Editor Alan Lewis suggested we run another week with all the TV and radio info I had supplied –so the three week series became four and again presented the known Zep TV and radio spots – this was a little limited in accuracy back then –  I would get to know a whole lot more on the subject of the BBC sessions etc over the next few years. Another quick aside -there was a bit of confusion of names going on at Sounds as they already had a writer named Dave Lewis (no relation) working for them at that time – he went on to be a press officer at RCA Records. Many is the time down the years I’ve been asked if I worked at RCA!

barton 1

Following the running of the series two things happened. Firstly, I began to get letters and correspondence via Sounds from fans requesting further info and discussing the info I’d presented.

It’s worth mentioning here that being a Zep fan back then was quite an insular thing. There was no social media to share this enthusiasm – I myself was in touch with a few fans notably Howard Mylett and Brian Knapp in the US. The Sounds piece did much to galvanise a lot of interest and though the feedback I was receiving , I quickly realised there were many fans out there as keen as I was on the band..

Secondly, I got a paid for the feature and hatched a plan to use that money to fund the printing of the first issue of Tight But Loose. That autumn I scribed away on the contents of the hand written first issue incorporating features on Earls Court, latest bootlegs , A complete Swan Song discography with commentary and the speculative feature on a live chronological live album set./

There was also a report of the very inspiring conversations I had with Robert Plant at the Goaldiggers football tournament he took part in at the Empire Pool Wembley which I attended on November 5th, 1978.

The first adverts to notify the soon to be published Tight But Loose ran in Sounds and NME late in the year – there was a slight delay to getting the first issue out when the UK suffered a bout of very snowy weather over Christmas and the new year.

I printed  200 of that first hand written issue – and they sold out within a 6 weeks. Tight But Loose was up and running and the rest, as they say is history…


Incidentally, I do have a plan to re publish a special edition of that first issue at some point –it’s a key part of the TBL story that needs to be back out there.

Looking back now some 40 years later, there’s no doubt that my involvement in the Sounds Ten Years of Led Zeppelin feature was the absolute catalyst for me to bring to fruition the idea to produce a regular Led Zep magazine,which I’d had kicking around for over a year.

It was more than evident that fans across the globe were in need of regular Zep info and reading matter. Tight But Loose began to fulfil that role.

As for the Sounds piece, I’m still very proud of it. I can recall at a UK record fair in the early 80s seeing fans with that bootleg centre page listing in the hands wading thought the LP racks using it as a guide.  Eventually it would be superseded by the likes of excellent Robert Godwin’s Illustrated Collectors Guide and my own listings in the A Celebration book in 1991.

Looking over it today, it’s very evident that presenting this outpouring of Zep info in Sounds back in September 1978 was clearly the moment I broke out of my bedroom as it were, and found a true connection for my thoughts, passion and enthusiasm for Led Zeppelin.

A connection that 40 years on, thrives ever onward…

Dave Lewis

September 26, 2018

(Extracts from Music Is Life To My Ears –The Dave Lewis Memoirs (TBL Publishing – work in progress for future publication) 

DL Diary Blog Update: 

What a weekend it was up in Redditch – so many highlights during 12 hours of John Bonham celebrations. It was great to say hi to so many TBL people. It was particularly pleasing to see Gary Davies and Chris Maley both of whom I have not seen in far too long.  After the event finished we ended up in a pub with Clem and Sam Galloway where an ad hoc quiz of guessing Zep lyrics ( won by GD!) ensured that a visit to a curry house was not going to be on -they were long closed by the time we left the pub. We ended up in a kebab place until nigh on 3am instead. Hey that’s rock and roll!! Here’s a pic of Chris, myself, Gary,Clem and Sam by the John Bonham Memorial around 11.30am on Saturday night.

The journey back to Bedford on Sunday morning via three trains went pretty well and I was home for around 1pm. I was incredibly tired by mid afternoon – but it was all worth it – an incredible day of music, emotion and fun all in the company of like minded souls who absolutely revelled in making this celebration of John Bonham a total triumph.

Here’s to the next time…

It was back to reality big time on Monday…and the very disappointing news that the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book has been delayed. That means there will be no books in the country to coincide with the Festival Of Sound event on Friday and the TBL gathering at the Atlas pub Sunday. This is not an ideal situation to say the least but the show goes on…

As mentioned above, we will still be launching at the Festival of Sound on Friday and the TBL event at The Atlas – I do have various examples of the book I can show. So in the face of adversity we plough on…it will still be a blast of a weekend – not least because Mike Tremaglio and his wife will be over…and I will finally get to meet the man who has made this amazing book possible…

The TBL crew are on the road…we look forward to seeing all that can make it along to join us  – full report of all this activity to follow…

Dave Lewis – September 26, 2018

Until next time, have a great weekend

Website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

with thanks to Gary Foy, Mike Tremaglio and James Cook

Follow TBL/DL on Facebook:

The TBL/DL Facebook page has regular updates and photos – be sure to check it out

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  • Ed-Washington DC said:

    Let me second what Hiroshi has written here about the Live 75-77 book. Were it not for the many volumes arriving on the shelves this season, this would be a monumental addition for the Zep collector on its own merit. Fine liner notes from Mr. Lewis. Can’t think of a better historian to accompany these dynamic photographs.

    And on that score, the Graffiti era is one of the truly photogenic phases for the group and marks the point at which I came in. Iconic though they are, its impressive to note that the black dragon suit worn by Jimmy Page only featured at Earl’s Court in 75, and Oakland in 77 on the final day, to my knowledge. Please correct me if I am missing anything. Yet look at the scale of impact this imagery of Page and the band had over the entire seventies rock period and beyond. Truly amazing.

    The Tampa 77 photos are also insightful, given the abortive effort to deliver the full program to a burgeoning rain soaked audience at the Big Sombrero. If only the riotous throngs which followed could see the pensive disappointed group in their bathrobes and wet hair, sorting it out backstage over postgame Heinekens’ while Peter Grant broods in a swivel chair at the eye of the storm.

    Then onto Madison Square Garden, where everything looks to be back on form.

    Lastly, the glorious daylight scenes of Oakland, despite the absurd Stonehenge dossals dangling in the California breeze. Something melancholy about the whole affair (despite the backstage violence), knowing the arduous road which lay ahead of the band once they departed America for the final time. Precious moments, indeed.

    If the Evenings with Zeppelin release will be on par with this edition, my home library has never looked finer.

  • Hiroshi said:

    Pity that the publication of the Evenings With LZ book is now delayed. Disappointing news indeed. Has Omnibus Press not agreed to lend you the sample copy for the forthcoming events? I assume they haven’t, as you are the first person to go along and try that way…

    In the mean time…I received LZ Live 1975-1977 the other day. I have a little concern that this superb item might be somewhat overshadowed by the one-two punch of the soon-to-arrive Evenings and LZ By LZ books so let me call out here this is truly one of the very best photo books focused on Led Zeppelin, and definitely worth adding to the collection of any Zep fans, casual and serious alike. And this from the mouth of yours truly who can’t describe himself as a devoted fan of the latter era of the group — I hardly feel the dragon suits that cool TBHWY — that tells you something. Of particular interest are a plenty of the pics from Earls Court third night presented here, which is conspicuously absent from the Five Glorious Nights book hence serving as a nice supplement. Tons of sharp photos on sizable quality paper — what else can you ask for? I can recommend this to anyone who is into the group. Just buy it and you won’t be disappointed.

  • Chris Loydall said:

    The Sounds articles + Howard Myletts first paperback were my treasured Zep bibles at the time. I still have the book/music papers ‘somewhere’. Has it really been 40+ years? Where the hell has the time gone? All the best, as always, Dave.

  • Dave Morton said:

    Forty years. Wow!

    Remember eagerly buying that first edition of Sounds – and the others in the weeks that followed.

    In an age before the internet – and TBL – any printed Led Zep news and photography was ultra-rare.

    I also remember my 15-year-old self being outraged at some of the album reviews and ratings by ‘Deaf’ Barton. Today they come across as just plain daft!

    Great memories.

  • Larry said:

    Love “Part Four of our Three Part Epic”!

    Thanks for the report on the Bonham memorial and celebration, it’s an absolutely wonderful tribute and it was nice that much of his family was able to participate. All these years later it’s still hard to believe he’s gone…but never forgotten!

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