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3 January 2014 7,082 views 9 Comments

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John Paul Jones – On the occasion of his birthday:

John Paul Jones is 68 today (January 3rd)

Throughout the past 12 months, John has again moved effortlessly between differing projects and collaborations. His appearances with Seasick Steve both on record (Hubcap Music) and on stage made for some memorable moments –most notably the storming set at Glastonbury. Occasional work with The Minibus Pimps and Supersilent, an appearance at the Mandolines De Lunel Festival plus tour dates with Dave Rawlings added yet more strings to his ever expanding bow -and along the way there was continued work on his opera project – The Ghost Sonata, based on a Strindberg work.

He remains the consummate musician – his work within Led Zeppelin and without, has constantly produced moments of sheer genius – some examples of which can be viewed below.

Happy Birthday John – from all of us to you…


Jimmy Page New Year Message:

In a new year message on his official website, Jimmy revealed some tantalsising plans for 2014 as follows:

‘’ Hello there and Happy New Year to you all. I hope you are enjoying the holidays.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you’ve given the website.

It’s good news for the New Year. The first of the Led Zeppelin releases – comprising of Led Zeppelin I, Led Zeppelin II, Led Zeppelin III and their companion discs – will be released this year. I’ve also been working on some of my own material from the archives that will be unleashed in 2014.

Let The Good Times Roll!’’

Judging from those comments, the Led Zeppelin re issue series will be coming in batches with the first three albums set to get the ball rolling. ”Own material from the archives” is another tantalising prospect.…let the good times roll indeed…


TBL Celebrates Jimmy Page at 70: The TBL Poll:

As part of the TBL celebrations of Jimmy Page’s impending 70th birthday on January 9th, we are conducting a TBL poll to attain your favourite Jimmy Page guitar performances across his 50 year career. This will take the form of a series of reader polls for which we want you to list your ten favorite Jimmy Page guitar performances in a series of categories.

Many thanks to the response to the previous polls which have covered Jimmy’s work with The Yardbirds era plus  studio and live performances with Led Zeppelin.

This final focus is on ..

Your All Time Top Ten Jimmy Page post Led Zeppelin performances:

harp 6

What we would like is for you to list in order of preference, your all time top ten favourite Jimmy Page POST LED ZEPPELIN performances.

There is quite a scope hear to draw from – ie Death Wish 2, The Firm era, Arms concerts, Roy Harper,   Outrider, Coverdale –Page,  Page & Plant Unledded, Walking Into Clarksdale, The Black Crowes etc.

We are specifically asking you to vote in order of preference, your all time top ten Jimmy Page POST LED ZEPPELIN performances with Zep.

On a scoring basis of ten points for a number one choice, nine for a number two etc – we will collate the results from your All Time Top ten listings to determine the most popular choices. The results will be announced on January 9th – Jimmy’s 70th birthday.

To kick things off – here are my all time top ten Jimmy Page Post Led Zeppelin performances

1: Blue Train (Walking Into Clarksdale)

2: Emerald Isle (Outrider)

3: Kashmir (Page & Plant Unledded)

4: Who’se To Blame (Death Wish 2)

5: Wonderful One (Page & Plant Unledded)

6: Shake My Tree (Coverdale –Page)

7: Blues Anthem ( Outrider)

8: Take Me For A Little While (Coverdale –Page)

9: Stairway To Heaven (Arms Royal Albert Hall)

10: Radioactive – The Firm


We look forward to receiving your list – to contribute just send your All time top ten Jimmy Page post Led Zeppelin list either via the comments section below, the TBL Facebook page or email to  .

If you want to add some comments re your choices, that would be very welcomed.

The complete results of the TBL Celebrates Jimmy at 70 Poll will be announced on January 9th.


Robert Plant New Years Eve Appearance:

This one via the Delray Rockets Facebook page:

The Delray Rockets had a great night at The Queens Head, Wolverley on New Years Eve. Big thanks to our two special guests Mr Paul Smith and Mr Robert Plant who belted out a few songs with us.

del ray rockets


Classic Rock:

The new issue of Classic Rock has Zep on the cover trailing an excellent  14 page feature entitled The Birth of Heavy – this traces the evolution of the British heavy music scene through the likes of Zep,  Sabbath, Purple, Free etc. I was part of the research team on this. This new issue also ahs a great overview of Midlands singer (and Robert Plant contemporary ) Jess Roden written by Paul Rees.

See more at

TBL Products Update:

Led Zeppelin Then As It Was –At Knebworth 1979:

Out now and selling fast – if you have yet to indulge the book is readily available for immediate despatch – the perfect new year tonic!

Here’s the order link:

TBL 36, TBL 37 and TBL Subcriptions:

TBL 36 is also readily available – if you have missed out on ordering during the pre Christmas rush etc – don’t miss out – another new year tonic….

Here’s the order link:

TBL 37 and TBL Subscriptions:

TBL 37 is now in the planning stages for publication in March. This will signal the completion of the 2013 TBL subscription.  I will put a reminder note to re –subscribe in all TBL 37 copies sent out.

The TBL 2014 Subscription link will be live on the TBL site soon. This will cover TBL 38 (due June), TBL 39 (due November) and TBL 40 (due March 2015).

Many thanks in advance for all your support.

DL Diary Update:

As 2014 began, I felt well weary and somewhat reflective on New Years Day even though we had stayed in on New Years Eve.  There was however a welcome New Year’s Day bonus with Spurs 2-1 win at Man Utd  -I caught the second half in the pub and while the last few minutes were somewhat torturous the boys did well to hang on. Arsenal now beckon in the FA Cup on Saturday and that one won’t be easy – here’s hoping.

As mentioned I’ve got to say I was on a bit of a downer as the new year swept in due to various things…however the arrival of this email yesterday has more than inspired me to get back in the positive zone again….

Hi Dave,

 I received your new ramped Knebworth, “Then as it was”, book a few weeks ago – I have been saving it for the 2013 holidays. The effort you have put into this effort is astounding – pre and post concert perspective, research, interviews with key players, time line, pictures and much more – WOW.

 I appreciate how you captured the impact of the press reports. The packaging is so slick yet so personal.

 My immediate enjoyment and observations are once again linked to how close you were. It gives me a feeling of having being there. In 1979 I was 13 and in Birmingham on vacation with my aunt and uncle. I begged to go but it was not to be. So your book in many ways gives me a taste of what it was like to be there in the flesh.

 This brings me to my next point, it inspired me to revisit your “Feather in the wind” book, which takes us into the next phase of their career. I am enjoying the read again from a fresh view point.

 One day I hope you write a book about Zep from 1973 to 1975, as they soldout Earl’s Court.

 Thank you for your energy, commitment, precision, integrity.

 Finally, I think the Zep boys are lucky to have you as an ambassador to their legacy.

 Alain Jandaly


Many thanks Alain for taking the time to write the above -that was certainly an inspiration …and it’s ever onward…



After all the Christmas build up and new year festivities  it’s been good to get some clear focus in the past couple of days on the TBL plans ahead for 2014. The first of these plans is to get TBL issue 37 underway for which there is already some great stuff lined up. More on all that soon.

On the playlist…I need to get to a whole heap of very welcomed stuff that Santa and his helpers provided- including the Miles Davis Complete Mono Recordings box set, -mind you everything was in a bit of mono in the past few days due to my severely left blocked ear – which I’m pleased to report has been successfully syringed at the docs this morning  – so I am now back on full ear capacity -phew!

The Godfather Throwing The Wild Seeds Nassau ’75 box set has been on and sounding superb, along with the newly acquired Humble Pie Complete Rockin’ The Fillmore set. Plenty of J. Page music from all era’s will be accompanying the collation of the TBL Jimmy At 70 poll in the coming week. I’ve also had on a CDR (thank you Stephen) of the 2006 Arthur Lee tribute show. Reading wise, I recently received the new issue of Richard Morton Jack’s fantastic Flashback magazine –the usual packed and weighty coverage on the world of psych/folk/ rock and more -this issue has amongst others, great features on Beverly Martyn and Trees.

Check it out at this link:

I’ve also began reading the excellent Searching For Soul by Reg Stickings  (thank you Max) the memoirs of Northern soul fan in the 70s.

Finally…here’s a few examples of the artistry of John Paul Jones on the occasion of his birthday…. 

Dave Rawlings Machine – Going To California

Seasick Steve at Glastonbury

Led Zeppelin No Quarter May 24th 1975…


Until next timer…Keep listening, keep reading…

Have a great weekend…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – January 3rd, 2014.

if you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us.

The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend)


Also follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL



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  • Tim C. said:

    Another difficult task. Here’s what mine are today.

    1) The Rain Song (from UnLedded)
    2) City Sirens (live versions from The Firm)
    3) Emerald Eyes (from Outrider)
    4) Wonderful One (from UnLedded)
    5) Closer (live versions from The Firm)
    6) Absolution Blues (from Coverdale/Page)
    7) Live in Peace (live versions from The Firm)
    8) Pride and Joy (from Coverdale/Page)
    9) Shining in the Light (from WiC)
    10) Gallows Pole (from UnLedded)

  • Paul Gross said:

    Happy belated birthday JPJ!
    Jimmy Page post Zep, much harder!

    1. Thank You (P&P Unledded)
    2. No Quarter ”
    3. Midnight Moonlight (Firm)
    4. Radioactive ”
    5. Blue Train (WIC)
    6. Walking Into Clarksdale
    7. Shake My Tree (Page-Coverdale)
    8. Take Me For A Little While ”
    9. Liquid Mercury (Outrider)
    10. Lemon Song (Page-Crowes)

  • Mark Williams said:

    JPJ/Mr.Baldwin – big Happy Birthday Sir !

    Also great to see Robert doing something a little interesting after a long time – certainly not crepe !

  • Chris said:

    Just to say a massive and overdue thankyou Dave Lewis for providing a great website that I find myself coming back to every other day.
    Wishing you mcuh love, luck and success in 2014 🙂


  • Graham Rodger said:

    Nothing on your list from the Jugula album…! Nineteen Forty-Eightish… Hangman… Elizabeth… all cracking tunes…!

  • Scott said:

    Happy Birthday JPJ. We are celebrating with the top 10 no quarters from 1975 which include Long Beach, Baton Rouge, Earl Court (last 3 nights), LA, MSG, Long Island (second night), St. Louis and Dallas…with perhaps some San Diego for good measure. We couldnt let Pagey have all the top tens on this website!

    Having met JPJ on three occassions, there is no humbler man in the universe. When I told him I played keyboard and bass…he shook “my” hand. Unbelievable.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Paul oh dear! I’ve missed out on one or two like that over the years so know the feeling!

  • Paul Humbley said:

    Dave, Sorry but for once I feel sick reading your news update.
    With reference to Mr Plants appearance with the Delray Rockets on New Years Eve. The Queens Head at Wolverley is a mile away from my house and is very much my local. I was in there with my better half Jules on the 23rd December and was offered tickets to the New Years Eve Celebration, which I had to turn down! Seeing your news page today, well you will now know how I feel! Worst part is I now have to tell Jules, who has been in love with Robert ever since he spoke to here in Kidderminster town centre, but that’s another story.


    P.S. Happy New Year Dave to you and your family. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more of your work during 2014.

  • RichardG said:

    Many Happy Returns to ‘the quiet one’!!! As the years go by, my appreciation of JPJ has grown enormously, and if by chance he’s reading this, can we have another Vultures record soon PLEASE??? 🙂

    Belated Happy New Year to you Dave, to Gary and to TBLers everywhere, thanks for all you do, as you’ve seen, it’s very much appreciated!!

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