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29 May 2014 10,372 views 6 Comments

olympia all three Led Zeppelin Reissues TBL Feedback – Your views required!

To celebrate the milestone release of the first three Led Zeppelin Reissues, I am throwing open the various TBL channels to attain your views and feedback.

In effect, next week will be TBL Led Zeppelin Reissues Forum Week on TBL Facebook and Website.


Led Zeppelin Reissues – Initial Instant Feedback:

Upon their release, I would very much like to receive your initial thoughts and feedback. Tell me what you think about the remastered albums, the Olympia Paris 1969 show, the companion audio discs, the outtakes, the packaging, the de uxe books, etc – positive or negative I want to know your views on it all. I’d also love to receive photos of you unpacking the sets and revelling in the moment and the experience.

This initial feedback can be as short or as long as you like.

Send it as soon as possible!

I am aware that some copies will start to seep out over the weekend, if not before – so as soon as you have your hands on these coveted releases – get your thoughts to me!

Note -this feedback applies to all formats not just the deluxe box sets -whatever version you buy I’d love to hear what you think of it!

Send it either on the TBL Facebook or to the TBL web site comments section or direct to my email


Led Zeppelin Reissues – Additional measured feedback – your further views on:

The original albums Then and Now …and the Companion Audio Discs feedback:

The original albums:

Led Zeppelin I

Led Zeppelin II

Led Zeppelin III

What I require is a lengthier summary of your views on each of the Led Zeppelin albums as follows:

Then: When and where you originally first brought each album, your initial thoughts and memories of that experience and the album itself – sound quality, performance, art work, the impact etc.

Now: bringing  it all full circle  – your views on the remastered albums – positive or negative , how they stand up performance wise, the sound quality, art work and packing  and in general the new experience of listening to them afresh.


The Companion Audio Discs:

Led Zeppelin I – Live at the Olympia Paris

Led Zeppelin II – Companion Audio Disc

Led Zeppelin III – Companion Audio Disc

Again I would love to hear your lengthier views on the Olympia Live In Paris and companion audio discs to Led Zeppelin II and III – the best performances, the Paris show, the outtakes, the backing tracks etc

Word count – 200 words minimum to whatever you like.

Deadline – as soon as you can but I am aware some measured response is required here so no major rush – over the next few days would be ideal.

Note -this feedback applies to all formats not just the deluxe box sets -whatever version you buy I’d love to hear what you think of it!

Again, send it either on the TBL Facebook or to the TBL web site comments section or direct to my email

These Then And Now Led Zeppelin Reissue overviews will be featured on the TBL website/facebook and for publication in the next TBL issue.


Led Zeppelin Reissues  -the Retail Experience

One other request – should you buy the Led Zeppelin reissues in a retail outlet – again I would love to have pics of you doing so and of the retail displays at the front of the store – in the UK this will apply to any independent shop or an HMV or Fopp. I’d also welcome any pics of any posters your see on the tube/underground, shop fronts etc.

So, get ready to engage with TBL and air your views in celebration of the monumental occasion of the arrival of first three Led Zeppelin reissues.

Dave Lewis, May 29th, 2014.


planet zep

Planet Rock becomes Planet Zeppelin:

This all looks good…

•Planet Rock becomes Planet Zeppelin for June 2014 to celebrate the June re-issues of the Led Zeppelin’s first three classic albums plus companion discs.

•Kicks off with a special 2 hour Jimmy Page ‘My Planet Rocks’ Special – featuring a brand new interview with the Led Zeppelin legend on air and video footage via Planet Rock’s You Tube channel. The two hour special airs on Sunday June 1st from 7pm to 9pm.

•Led Zeppelin take over ‘Planet Rock Plays It In Full’ for the whole month – all three re-masters and companion discs played out in full and uninterrupted each Monday at 11pm, plus a listener vote to find the ultimate Led Zeppelin album (which will be played out at the end of the month).

•The best Led Zeppelin cover versions played in Wyatt’s ‘Cover Up’ each week day just after 1pm

•Last but not least, we will ‘Unlock the Led’ – Planet Rock will play 100 different Zep songs across the station’s output throughout the whole of June.

Also – there’s a feature length JP interview on Kerrang! Radio on June 1st too with Louise Molony.


NME Front Cover Story:

nme zep

Now I’ve been reading the NME since 1964 and I have all the Led Zep cover story issues stored in the loft right from the first one in 1971 to the Jimmy Page cover interview story published the week of the first Knebworth in August 1979…that was their last NME cover story until today – for emblazoned on the distinctive orange  cover are the words Whole Lotta Led. Naturally I added it to my NME collection.

On the downside the captioning of the photos is poor..Zep with beards in 1969?  A report of photographer Christian Rose covering the Olympia gig back in October 1969 states they made an appearance on the TV show Musicorama on the same day. In fact, Musicorama was the name of the radio show for Europe 1 that was responsible for the original Olympia broadcast.

They certainly did not record a TV appearance that day in October 1969 – the photos were actually from  earlier in the year when Zep did make a TV appearance on the Tous En Scene show recorded on June 19th 1969 and first broadcast on the French TV network on September 5th of that year.

When I first read through all that, I thought I was going a bit mad. Had they really made a  TV appearance in October 1969? A quick confirmation from French Zep expert Christophe Le Pabic cleared up the confusion.


nmesssNME and Led Zep…here’s some cover story NME’s as featured in Roger Berlin’s Four or more Magazines book…there’s a feature on Roger’s amazing Zep magazine museum in the new TBL… The NME coverage of Zep in the 1970s was absolutely essential reading. I still have a great ongoing affinity for the NME and I’m glad it’s still out there…and glad too (despite the errors) they sensibly and appropriately put Led Zeppelin back on the cover this week..


TBL Products perfect for Fathers Day: TBL Father’s Day Gift ideas…

With Father’s Day upon us this in a little over two weeks (June 15th)  –  now is the time to get your request in for some TBL products…here’s some TBL Fathers Day gift ideas:

TBL 37:

The new issue out now at a bargain price…

Order at:



Get signed up for issues 38 39 and 40 – every subscriber receives an exclusive Led Zeppelin 10 x 8  photo print – subscribing means you will never miss an issue!.

Order at:


The book that will take you back to that field just outside Stevenage and this time there’s no sleeping bag required…

Order at:


The book that takes you up close and personal to Led Zeppelin on their final tour  over Europe in 1980..

Order at:

LED ZEPPELIN FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM: For fans old and new, this is the definitive compact companion to their music…

Order at:

All books personally signed by the author!

If you would like a specific personal dedication please state what you require – (use special instructions section of pay pal if paying by pay pal)

fathers day

So there you have it…some choice TBL products perfect for Father’s Day – get your request in now!


DL Diary Update:

The pace does not let up – it really has been and is a case of Planet Zeppelin here right now  – it does seem like every waking hour has been dominated by the Led Zeppelin Reissues – and I ain’t complaining! Paris last week was a blast and it was such a privilege to be back at the scene of  where the action all took place back in October 1969. The Friday night Team Rock/HMV event occurred at short notice and it was a bit of a rush to get all sorted for that so soon after returning from Paris.

It was great to scramble the Earls Court Bedford boys of Dec and Phil  (Tom was on holiday spreading the TBL word as can be seen in the pic below!) for the event and having a pic with Nicky Horne was a memorable way to mark the 39th anniversary. I was also very pleased that Andy Adams took up my invitation to come along to the event – I had not seen him for 11 years! It was also great to hook up with Richard Grubb who came all the way from Cardiff, plus Ian Avey, Eddie E, Krys J, James Cook, Mick Bulow etc. All in all a great night.

tom 2

Whilst in London on Friday afternoon there was some inevitably vinyl purchasing and Dec was on hand to observe again what he describes as my quest to buy every rock album released since 1969. Four more went in the bag from Reckless Records all for under a tenner – namely:

Rick Gretch – The Last Five Years (RSO) –I’ve been looking for this compilation of the late bassist and violinist of Family, Blind Faith etc for some while – a little gem.

Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper Live Adventures (CBS)  –double album recorded at the Fillmore West 1968.

Cream –Full Cream (Polydor) Issued on the 99 label signifying it was 99 new pence and that’s what I shelled out for it back in 1970 – long lost and now back in the DL collection.

The Byrds History Of (CBS) Great double album in gatefold sleeve with family tree.

A lovely little batch –  though they will have to wait their turn in going on the player as the playlist here has been and will be …you got it …Led Zeppelin.

As can be seen by the exclusive TBL previews, I’ve been wading through an advance listen of the first three reissues over the past couple of weeks – and as you will have read there are so many delights to be enjoyed – it’s been a joyous task – however, I have no physical product yet and like countless others  around the globe, I’ll be anxiously awaiting Mr Amazon to knock on the door and deliver my three pre ordered Led Zeppelin deluxe box sets….and then it will be vinyl player on and into the Zep zone -what a prospect that is ahead…

As mentioned above, be sure to let me know what you think and post your initial feedback/pics etc on the TBL facebook and website – let’s make this significant outpouring of remastered and new Led Zeppelin music a truly communal TBL event.

olympia 14

I’m excited….as I’m sure all of you reading this will be too.

Meanwhile, it’s ever onward here today with a short notice Zep feature to collate (more on that soon), TBL orders to pack and various projects to address here on Planet Zeppelin Bedford UK….get ready to enter your own Planet Zeppelin via the long awaited arrival of the first three Led Zeppelin Reissues very soon…

DL – May 29th, 2014.  

And finally…    The Unboxing…this is what it is going to be all about in the next few days…..

Led Zeppelin I:

Led Zeppelin II:


Until next time…

Have a great week Keep listening, keep reading…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – May 29th, 2014.

If you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us. The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

Also follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL


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  • Kevin Hewick said:

    It felt like something from a bygone age to catch a bus into town especially to get the new Led Zeppelin reissues, to walk into our local surviving (perhaps soon to go) HMV and see THE display there.. “HMV LOVES LED ZEPPELIN” – the liars, do they actually ‘love’ anything? A free set of prints with all three albums. I decamped at my ‘Leicester Office’ Brucianni’s cafe, a place that I’ve been going to since I was a tot in the 1950s. Today I estimate I was was 12 years old. I fought with shrink wrap and marveled at unseen photos and the unreal feeling of holding official unreleased Zeppelin. I thought God, what must the (to me unaffordable) box sets of each of them be like? Brucciani’s cafe is directly opposite the building that was Lewis’s where I got LZ III in 1970. My mum was with me and was shocked at how much more it cost than normal LPs “It’s because of the fancy cover” I sagely told her – grown ups eh? She seemed very old to me of course, she was all of 32 then, and she just didn’t ‘get it’! Getting these things home felt very exciting.. getting them on and playing them was out of this world. I decided to do each album and bonus album together. The first album did it’s thing, their bold statement of purpose, a very young and daring band absolutely taking the songs on with a unity and confidence that belied the mere few weeks that they had been a unit. Bonzo’s drumming is whip smart, lyrical and sharp, the remaster seems to have uncaged the might and flight of Bonham in a spectacular way. Logic decrees that John Paul Jones has no right to be such a brilliant bassist AND organist and you get the full sound of his genius here. Jimmy Page got a hell of a lot out of that Telecaster, clusters of inventive and frenetic notes explode out of the speaker, ‘Dazed And Confused’ and ‘Communication Breakdown’ seem to have renewed power and energy. Robert Plant sounds like he is in the room singing with you – full of youth, sex and more “Baby Baby Baby’s’ than ever known in previous recorded history. He is almost still just a baby himself but he seized this chance and gave his all. The bonus disc is a 71 minute romp through their 1969 set, they are set on ‘stun’ throughout. My only tiny quibble is that some of it is edited – I would rather they had made it a triple set with the whole concert over 2 discs but it is a tiny quibble – you get an hour and eleven minutes of dazzling bravado. Only The Who at their very best could touch this. Now for LZ II!!!

  • Jamie said:

    Wow! And then some… My first impressions are that these new remasters are a significant improvement on all that has gone before them. I’m hearing clarity, depth, details that I’ve never realise existed! Simply bloody phenomenal. Is this the second coming? Hell no, its way more important than that! People. Go. Buy. Now!

  • andrew R said:

    Dave really getting excited now was on the point of downgrading
    from the deluxe on cost primarily but stuck with it because of your
    infectious enthusiasm! Two thoughts, first why no input from JPJ?
    His point of view on the sessions would be invaluable in terms of the interplay between him and JB.Second am I the only person that thinks the labels should have been the old polydor/atlantic red and plum variant?

  • Mark Carroll said:

    Hi Dave, looking forward to these, can’t wait ! but please tell Mr Page NOT to release IV, Houses of the Holy & Physical Graffiti boxsets at the same time, IT’S COSTING ME AN ARM & A LEG !!!!!!! lol…Cheers

  • Richard Grubb said:

    Excited is not the word! Appetite’s were whetted last Friday but that only seemed to make this week go even slower unfortunately.

    What’s amazing about all of this is the sense of event – this is no ordinary band as all of us have been aware of for a very long time.

    I know most of the excitement has been around the companion discs. but I think people who only know Zeppelin from the JP/George Marino remasters are going to be very surprised and happy with just how good the JP/John Davis remastering is on the studio discs. It’s a huge improvement on the currently available CDs. Hopefully it’ll tempt people to invest in the vinyl!

    Valhalla we are coming!!!

  • ANDY A said:

    Eleven years, eh Dave! Truly great to catch up, and like you I can taste the fervour and expectation building over the reissues. Good Times, Great Times…

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