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27 November 2009 1,933 views 13 Comments

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Fed up with receiving the same old tired gifts for Christmas each year? Why not give your loved ones a nudge in the direction of this page and get them to invest in a unique piece of Led Zep Knebworth history this Christmas. Or alternately you could treat yourself …

Then As It Was –Led Zeppelin At Knebworth 30 Years Gone, the new book written by Dave Lewis, is the perfect gift for Led Zeppelin fans old and new this Christmas.


ThenAsItWas FINAL.indd







ThenAsItWas FINAL.indd

ThenAsItWas FINAL.indd

*This limited hard back edition comes individually numbered and signed by the author. This is an opportunity to invest in what is sure to become a much sought after Zep collectable – the limited run is selling fast so order now to avoid disappointment.

*Personal Dedication: In ordering the book you have the option for Dave Lewis to personally dedicate the book to the lucky recipient to create a unique gift. Please state who you would like the book dedicated to and any inscription request via your order (pay pal users can fill in details on the ‘’Instruction to Merchant’’ box on their pay pal order form).

The book unfolds the story of how thirty years ago over two weekends in August 1979, thousands of fans came to pay homage to Led Zeppelin as they performed what would be their last UK shows at Knebworth.

Dave Lewis chronicles this milestone event in rock history with the full account behind the bands triumphant return to the stage – the build up to the event, the concerts themselves, the aftermath and the accompanying impact of their final studio album In Through The Out Door. The book also incorporates a series of unique first hand accounts from fans who attended the gigs, interviews from the time and retrospective views. It’s illustrated throughout with rare photos and memorabilia.

These nostalgic recollections from out in the field capture the final days of a legendary band and the simpler more innocent times of the last great British festival gatherings of the 1970s.

*Since its publication, Then As It Was has been universally acclaimed – here’s a selection of the many positive feedback comments received from readers of the book:

‘’Then As It Was is a triumph. Without question Dave Lewis’ best written work to date and a wonderful evocation of a bygone age in musical culture. He skillfully captures the innocence of the times, while satiating the Zep enthusiast’s lust for every minute detail of these huge events.’’- Chris Wright – Nevada USA

‘’I just received the Knebworth book and it is nothing short of brilliant.  It is put together incredibly well and there is so much info which I didn’t even know existed.’’ – Gary Bicknese – New York USA

“This is a wonderful book for Zep / Knebworth fans. Dave Lewis has done himself and Zep fans proud with this book.” – Rick Schnell – USA

“Then As It Was, 30 Years Gone is the simply the best book I’ve read in years. It took me right back to those weekends 30 years ago and has reminded me how much Zeppelin has meant to me over the past three decades. Absolute credit to all concerned for the superb production of this book. A gem!” – Colin Hinley, UK

‘’The book is 250+ pages of personal stories and anecdotes about the Knebworth event by people who were there. Dave has woven them all together in his unique, highly detailed narrative. This is a must- have item for any serious collector.’’ – Frank Reddon -Canada

‘’Then As It Was is a work of true passion. The relationship between a band and its followers is reciprocal and as much as the music of Led Zeppelin has fired the enthusiasm of fans, the band is fortunate to have a chronicler with the insight and loyalty of Dave Lewis.’’ – Tim Kyle – UK

ThenAsItWas FINAL.indd

ThenAsItWas FINAL.indd

Knebworth 003

Strictly limited first edition hardback. Each book individually numbered and personally signed by the author. Order now to avoid disappointment!


You can order the book NOW

UK Price £25.00

Europe £ 27.50

USA, Australia, Japan –rest of world £ 32.50

All prices include postage and packing


By Cheque: In UK sterling only payable D.Lewis

Send to Knebworth Book, 14 Totnes Close Bedford MK40 3AX

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Email reference

You can also order the book online via Wymer UK

By credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, Solo, Switch, Eurocard, Mastercard). Please note there is a very slight extra admin cost on these orders

Please go to the Wymer UK online store to place your order via secure Sage Pay shopping cart.

Link at

The book was officially launched at the Tight But Loose Knebworth Celebration Day – Then As It Was event at the Lytton Arms Knebworth on Saturday August 8th 2009

Don’t miss out – order your copy now

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  • Mike Robinson said:

    This book is a mantlepiece of one man’s devotion to a great band and its triumphant return to British soil. Aided and abetted by sundry fans whose accounts bring smiles and fond memories. So if you managed to get wasted on the day, or if you were unable to go, live it through this loving tome. Fifty Shades of Grey turns back to the golden days of rock!

  • Jana Blueberry said:

    Dear Dave,
    The book is arrived well. It looks fantastic ! I bought this book as present for my boyfriend – He saw The Led Zeppelin in concert several times and met Robert Plant twice in private. He loves them and me so ! 1000x thanks.

    All the best to you,

  • Colin Hindley said:

    Hi Dave.. just thought I should share with others my email to you when I first received the book, still reading, still enjoying. Thanks again….
    What can I say? the long awaited book – Then as it was, 30 years gone – is the best reading, for me, in years. At the age of 49 now and to take me back to those 2 weekends 30 years ago has reminded me how much Zeppelin has meant to me over the last 35+ years. Absolute credit to you and your team for the superb production of this book. A gem!
    Over the bank holiday weekend, it had to be done. Myself and my wife, who had a ticket for the 11th event but her parents refused her to go with myself and mates (she was only 16 and who can blame them?), returned to Knebworth house for the my 1st visit since the historic 11th date. How the memories came flooding back. Yes it was hard to pinpoint the exact location where we sat all those years ago, but it did not matter. A moving and unbelievable experience coupled with the book at hand to take me back. ‘Silly old sod’ my wife says…. wifes eh? ha ha
    Since the arrival of the book its been non stop Zep on the ipod day in day out, a trip up in the loft to dig out those, now, hazy photos from the events and re-reading those early TBL fanzines, numerous paper, magazine cuttings from 30 years ago that will never be disposed of.
    Dave, you have made a very happy man happier!
    All the best and keep up the great work… hats off to you

    Colin (and Donna)

  • David Jenkins said:

    I was ‘there’ on 4th of August and I wish I had seen an invitation to contribute memories to the book. Suffice to say it was one of my most outstanding music experiences – one of the others (and from the same summer!) being to hear one of the greatest of all Wagner conductors conductor Wagner’s ‘Tristan’ … so 1979 was a special musical summer!

    Whilst on message, my particualr memories were – the roar of the crowd at the start; Page’s soloing at the end of ‘No Quarter’; the sheer pulverising power of ‘Kashmir through to ‘Achilles’; the singing of ‘You’ll never walk alone’ and scribbling on a piece of paper, as a memo of the set list (that piece of paper is still in my scrap book!) ‘I need your love’ for ‘In the Evening’.

    Areyou intending to do a volume for Earls Court? – I just missed that one.


  • Richard said:

    Great stuff – I was 15 and lived only 15 mikes away but missed my only real chance to see Zep flying to a long planned family hol on the eve of the first show… The book’s a great companion for the live boots etc that have turned up on the interim. The nearest I got was waiting to see Oasis at Knebwoth when Good Times Bad Times was played over the PA! Thanks for the hardwork – your site has been a touchstone for info for years (the celebration daze and dancing daze events were great too.)
    Look forward to the 1980’s volume.
    All the best, Richard

  • Argenteum Astrum said:

    Last week I have received a long awaited newest effort from Tight But Loose team, “Led Zeppelin At Knebworth 1979: 30 Years Ago Today”. Before as I was given by this book I have heard many fascinating stories and compliments related to the forthcoming content and indeed, after as I grabbed my copy, all these stories are turned into the fact. The fist 1,000 copies are personally autographed by the author and issued in a hard cover making this positions much more attractive looking. The content is something I expected: detailed exploration through both Knebworth shows that took place on August
    4th and 11th, 1979. The book includes a foreword written by Ross Halfin, who attended the second show and made some great pics to immortalize this amazing evening, a preface overview by Chris Charlesworth of Melody Maker, who had the possibility witnessed the band at their peak in the 1970s and fantastic reading by Dave Lewis related to the history of the band and his own memories about Knebworth shows. But personally my favourites are recollections from the side of the fans who attended both gigs – it gave me a true depth into both spectacles and showed how Led Zeppelin was important part of music industry those days. Also worth of attention are interviews
    with Robert Plant and John Paul Jones, where we can read what musicians felt as it comes for their triumphant return and overall situation in the music back then. The book contains several appendix sections too, where we can find detailed discography for the “In Through The Out Door” album, a list of known bootleg sources for both nights (thanks Graeme for inviting me to this project!) and memorabilia stuff. All in all, this is a true gem for every LZ
    fanatic and should be purchased by anyone who has at least a little interest of rock music.


  • shane king said:

    to dave
    book just arrived(2 days)thanks for the inscripstion.i’ve come back from north Wale’s just missed meeting Robert Plant buying a leg of lamb,the butcher was over the moon.R.P has a place in a wood not to far from where i was.

  • Brian Hardie said:

    Living here in Cyprus my mate and concert partner is hogging the book and so I havent seen it yet . The irony being I was there (page 135 ) and he wasnt .
    Sounds like a brilliant read cant wait to get it . Well done to the flame keeper .

  • Kev Slater said:

    Just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed this book. Brought all of those memories of “seeing history made” come flooding back. Even got a vicarious mention via Steve Priest’s “I was there” recollections. Yup – I bought an orange bootleg shirt. Still got the program, got the ticket somewhere too!

    Well done Dave – a very worthwhile purchase and a credit to all the hardwork you must have invested in it. Thanks very much.

  • Gerry M., Shefford said:

    Just got in from work and my copy is waiting for me to scrutinise later, but it already looks fantastic…great job Dave…thanks again.

    I always think it’s one of life’s little personal ironies for me that in 1979 I was a 13 year-old in Hull thinking about asking me Dad if he’d take me and a mate to Knebworth…don’t think his clapped out Anglia would have made it…but now I live 30-odd minutes away and went and gazed at the field with a tear in my eye last year much to my daughters bemusement and amusement!

    Still can’t find a decent pint down here though…ah the perils of being a professional Yorkshire exile!

    come on u ‘ull!


  • Steve A. Jones said:


    This book is sure to bring back a flood of memories for those who were there as well as present the events in their proper context
    for those who were not. I have enjoyed each and every book you’ve published thus far and the cover art alone suggests this one will
    be of equally high standard. I look forward to receiving my copy
    of Led Zeppelin – Then As It Was.

    All the Best,
    Steve A. Jones

  • Walter Cooney said:

    Hi Dave
    Good luck with the new book,have a great day at the Knebworth celebration,I am sorry I will not be able to attend,just like the original Knebworth gigs I am doing something else,watching Man City v Celtic with a mate.I recently saw Boot Led Zeppelin at the Library Theatre in Luton,they were very good and they will relive the music of the Zeppelin at your event.
    I hope the job hunting is going well,I have also recently lost my job as well.
    Best Wishes
    Walter Cooney Luton,Beds.

  • Andy Pittam said:

    Hi Dave
    Am looking forward once again to another of your publications. Thanks for all the hard work you and your friends put into them. I am sure this book will bring back so many memories. I have been to quite a few concerts but its always Zeppelin at Knebworth that stands out. I can remember it a sthough it was yesterday.
    Thanks once again.
    Andy Pittam

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