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Home » John Paul Jones

Beacon Theatre, New York, NY

14 December 2001 2,292 views One Comment

Again well received and after Zooma the audience was held captive. Any doubters were convinced after the first song. Three standing ovations !!
Levee was hot and sleezy and was so climatic & dynamic that the audience thought it was the last song of the set and leaped to their feet shouting “One More Song!!”
The other two ovations ( 4 total if ya count the 12 string played by Nick for Thats The Way ) were at the end of the set and after the In my Time of Dying / Black Dog encore played with all the raunch-n-roll Led Zep ever delivered.
Tonight and last night all 3 members of JPJO wore blue tee shirts with red lettering honoring Ladder 25 of the FDNY for the encore (please correct me if I’m wrong about that ) Someone tossed a White Tee Shirt on stage to JPJ with the numbers 44 and FDNY in red and on the back. ( please correct and elaborate if I am wrong there too )
Before the show as people were taking their seats I overheard several KC fans remark what a great job JPJO did the night before. A great ending to a quick but fantastic tour. JPJ was in great spirits tonight and was having lots of fun. I’m glad I got to see them and can’t wait to see whats next. If all 3 Zeps are ever on stage again I think it might be just a question of who is gonna open for who ;-p)
The Rover

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