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Home » John Paul Jones

Bowery Ballroom, NYC

13 August 2004 2,313 views No Comment

This from Scott Applegate
A quick note about the MAS show Friday night 8/13/04 in NYC. Since we were drawn in by the sheer presence of JPJ, I can’t really tell you the set list, as much of this music was new to me, except for a few notables. But I can tell you the show was tremendous.

The band was just great. Part of it was the group Nickel Creek, which I did not really know, though it seems I should have since they won a Grammy last year. Fiddle player Sara Watkins sang some and really added to the sound of the group with her playing and musicianship. Guitarist Sean Watkins played on a wonderful instrumental version Going To California with JPJ on mandolin. Jonsey made a joke about he had to play mandolin at least once to tour with these guys. Mandolin Player Chris Thile was just incredible. I said during the show that he was like the Eddie Van Halen of mandolin (meant whole heartedly as a compliment to Mr. Thile). He is also a very energetic young man, jumping around like a lunatic!

Pete Thomas, from the Elvis Costello band, played the drums. He led them into a rocking version of the Beatles’ Taxman. Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket) handled much of the vocals, including a great version of Gallows Pole as one of the encores. It was the highlight of the night!

If you have a chance to go see this show, by all means, get out there and experience it. My friend and I saw Rush the next night with a group of friends, and we couldn’t stop talking about this show.

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