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Home » John Paul Jones

Caravan of Dreams, Fort Worth, Texas

16 March 2000 2,255 views No Comment

Set One (75 Minutes): Zooma, Goose, Grind, Smile, Nosumi Blues, No Quarter, Spaghetti Junction, Story Line (Thats The Way), Going To California, Steal Away, Snake Eyes, and Nobody’s Fault But Mine.
Set Two (55 Minutes): Triple Neck Solo, CrackBack, Bass & Drums (Heart..\ What Is…), B-Fingers, Jump Blues, When The Levee Breaks, Tidal Encore: Trampled Underfoot, and Black Dog.
Set List from David

We arrived an hour before the show and listened to the band warmup from outside the door. People started trickling in and forming a line to get in. Once inside you feel the excitement. as everyone found there seats. Then the lights went down and everyone began to scream and clap. As the the band came on stage everyone stood and gave a standing ovation.
They began with Zooma, which was excellent. next came Goose and SMYS,nosumi blues,JPJ then anounced the dinosour age and began NQ. after that JPJ said this next one is from the stone age, the 80’s and began Spagetti Junction. after each song JPJ seemed a little embarressed from all the applause and adulation he was receiving. JPJ seemed to relax more as the shoe progressed, talking with people on the front row between songs. After a break he came back alone with his 3 neck mandy and played a medely of Going to calif, that the way and another I didn’t know the name of. The rest of the band joined him back on stage and played some more songs from zooma and some Zep ( nobody’s fault, heartbreaker, When the levee breaks, during this JPJ changed instruments several times, going from bass to slide guitar to organ to keyboard. of course the highlight was the encore, first came Black dog, which the audience tried to sing along with but all we could do were the aaagh, aaaghs. JPJ also got a kick out of that. he would pause and start grinning as everyone tried to sing the aaaghs. Now came Trmpled underfoot and I mean the crowd went beserk, jumping up and dancing around.
I’m sure I got some songs out of order but I was so excited I didn’t care. They also had JPJ signed Zooma Cd’s, caps, and shirts. I got all of them after the the guys did their bows and thanks yous to my wife(who by the way had never been to a concert of any kind and doesn’t like rock music said she really got excited by the end of it all). WHAT A GREAT NIGHT!!!!!!

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