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Home » John Paul Jones

Guitar Wars, Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo 28th & 29th Aug, 1st Sept

28 August 2003 15,121 views No Comment

1. Getting Betta (Paul Guitar+Vocal, Nuno Guitar + Vocal)
2. Viking Kong (Paul)
3. Down To Mexico (Paul)
4. Scarified (Paul)
5. To Be With You (Paul)
6. I Like Rock (Paul)
7. Tidal (John Paul Jones)
8. B. Figers (JPJ)
9. Steel Away (JPJ)
10. When The Levee…. (JPJ)
11. Nobody’s Fault (JPJ)
12. Gravity (Nuno Guitar + Vocal)
13. Cupid’s Dead (Nuno)
14. Get The Funk Out (Nuno)
15. Midnight Express (Nuno)
16. Hole Hearted (Nuno Acoustic Guitar)
17. More Than Words (Nuno Acoustic Guitar and Chorus)
18. Going to California (JPJ Mandolin)
19. Green Tinted 60’s mind (Paul Acoustic Guitar and Chorus)
20. Classical Gas (Steve Acoustic Guitar)
21. Rainbows (Steve)
22. Firth of Firth (Steve)
23. Mechanical Bride (Steve)
24. Clocks (Steve)
25. Dark Town (Steve)
26. Los Endoss (Steve)
*** アンコール ***
27. Communication Breakdown (All, Nuno on the drums)
28. Red Rooster (All, Nuno on the drums)
29. Rock and Roll (All)

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