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Home » John Paul Jones

Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA

8 December 2001 2,287 views No Comment

Right away…my feelings were of being awed by the fact that I was in the presence of a legendary band member. The power that these three musicians made, reminded me of how Zep was in days past, though I never experienced them firsthand. Now having seen both Robert Plant and JPJ doing solo shows you can really see how powerful each member really is, and how each member brought a lot to Zeppelin….together they were magical.
He played a variety of instruments an electric ukulele, 8 string bass with a fret board that lit up and a table slide guitar with two sections of strings. He played songs from Zooma, I can’t recall all the songs names, some from his new Thunderthief and three Zep songs which included…”That’s the way” which JPJ sang beautifully. I didn’t realize his voice was as good as it sounded. He did “When the levee breaks”, a song that was a blues song very reminiscent of SIBLY…excellent!!! And he did Black Dog as his encore, the beginning of Black Dog had an IMTOD teaser, very well done.
JPJ used his table guitar to get the high sounds of what would be R. Plant’s part to the song. I enjoyed his heavy sounding set. People were really rockin’ to JPJ he blew us away with his sound, it was that powerful 🙂
Fashion statement…JPJ wore black jeans that fit him nicely, a loose black rayon vest that hit him right around his hips and an iridescent dark smoky purplish button shirt and black shoes. He looked very handsome. You could see he was in good spirits and was having a good time, he smiled a lot through the night and talked a bit with the crowd. People kept yelling out Jonesy, Jonesy and Zeppelin……Zeppelin. He never broke a sweat, cool as a cucumber, he delivered what any Zep fan would have wanted and expected. His guitarist wore a kilt with long white knee socks with dark army boots and a gray tank top. His drummer was a power house, excellent…he would flip his drumsticks while never missing a beat.
There was a techno glitch when the guitarist sound wasn’t coming through the amps but as showmen that they are they kept on playing until the guitarist fix the problem. In my opinion JPJ’s set was heavier and rock harder than King Crimson. I really enjoyed the show and can’t wait for his new CD to hit the stores next year………GO JONESY!!!!!!!
Vilma….the Zepgirly

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