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Home » John Paul Jones

Piazza Duomo (Pistoia Blues Festival), Pistoia, Italy

15 July 2000 2,696 views No Comment

Setlist : Intro-Zooma, Grind, The Smile Of Your Shadow, Going To California, untitled blues number,When The Levee Breaks, Crackback, Nobody’s Fault But Mine, Black Dog.

Notes: The band goes on stage at 9,05pm, playing until 10,10pm. Great performance of Nobody’s Fault But mine and that untitled blues song, played with the electric mandolin until the solo, which is done with the slide guitar.
A heavy rainstorm during the whole set. Because of the bad weather there are only about 3500 people in the audiece on a 7000 capacity of the venue.No encores due of a delay in the schedule. No tripleneck and keyboards tonight.

Dario Nannini

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