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Home » John Paul Jones

Rosebud, Pittsburgh PA

27 March 2000 2,204 views No Comment

The show featured the same setlist that were on this tour and a ten second tease of That’s the Way was featured prior to Going To California. The Pittsburgh show had been moved from Metropol to Rosebud so the 250-300 people who made it to this show were in for a treat to see JPJ in a small intimate atmosphere. The atmosphere here was more like a night club atmosphere where there was standing room at the front and tables of to the side. In the case of the Pittsburgh show, it’s not the case of the quantity of the crowd, but the quality of the crowd. The people there at the show were very enthusiastic. The acoustics of this smaller club would be a great place to record the show as well. When comparing Jone’s show to the on in Cleveland, I would say this show was by far better.
Grant Burges

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